Featured - Hobby Elementary (2024)

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Featured - Hobby Elementary (1)

Greetings SPARK Families,

Thank you for choosing Hobby Elementary to serve your child academic and social needs. The founding team is excited to open our doors on August 15, 2024. We plan to empower your students to know that they can accomplish anything in life. We will CHALLENGE them to do things they could not even imagine. We will LEAD them by being the example that with a growth mindset anything is possible. YES Prep Hobby Elementary will provide a platform for learning and growing to ensure that the Hobby community thieves.

- Principal Maxey

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Featured - Hobby Elementary (3)

Welcome to the First Day of School at Yes Prep Hobby Elementary!

📅When: August 15

📍Location:7660 Hansen Rd. Houston, Tx 77061

🕒Time: 7:00AM-3:00PM

🕒Drop Off Time: 7:00AM-7:30AM

Late students please drop off in the front office. After 7:30AM

🕒Pick up Time: 3:00PM-3:45PM


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Dress Code Expectations

Monday:Campus Polo or spirit shirt and navy, khaki or denim bottoms

Tuesday:Campus Polo or spirit shirt and navy, khaki or denim bottoms

Wednesday:Campus Polo or spirit shirt and navy, khaki or denim bottoms

Thursday:Campus Polo or spirit shirt and navy, khaki or denim bottoms

Friday:College Day! Represent a college or university Campus polo or spirit shirt and navy, khaki or denim bottoms

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Featured - Hobby Elementary (9)

If you have not ordered your SPARK's Uniform, no worries. Click herefor the Uniform Store!


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Featured - Hobby Elementary (11)

Morning Drop Off: Students should be dropped off in the morning between 7:00 and 7:25am through the car rider line. Students are considered tardy if they arrive after 7:25am. Starting on Tuesday September 3rd, parents who arrive after 7:25am for drop off will need to park in the front office parking lot and walk students into the front office for Late Sign In. Parents will scan our QR code to fill out a short form with their students name and grade level. It important for you student to be on time each day as it sets them up for a successful day in school. As a reminder, students are not able to walk themselves into school after 7:25am and must be escorted in by a parent or guardian. Thank you for your support.

Backpack Tags: Please ensure that your students back pack has their transportation number on it each day when they go to school and when they get home. If your student is in need of a replacement backpack tag, please email Ms. Herrera at Adriana.Herrera@yesprep.org OR send a text message to 936-397-1449

Temporary Transportation Changes: Making sure your students get home safely each day is an important part of our jobs here at Hobby Elementary. We want to ensure all of our parents are equipped with the knowledge of how to update their students transportation for a temporary change. The form linked here: https://tinyurl.com/HBETransportation must be filled out and submitted before 12:00PM the day of the requested change. For example, your student is typically a bus rider, but you will be going through the car lane on Wednesday. So on Tuesday night OR Wednesday morning the parent is required to fill out the Temporary Transportation Change form letting us know. This way we can be sure to stage your student in the right area for dismissal.

As we begin the new school year at Yes Prep Hobby Elementary, we want to emphasize the importance of adhering to our traffic flow and following the guidance of our staff during pickup and dismissal times.

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Why It Matters:

  1. Safety First: Following designated traffic patterns and listening to our traffic leaders helps ensure the safety of all students, families, and staff. Proper traffic flow reduces congestion and minimizes the risk of accidents.
  2. Efficiency: Adhering to traffic guidelines helps streamline the pickup and dismissal process, making it quicker and more efficient for everyone. This means less waiting time and a smoother transition for students and parents alike.
  3. Respect for Others: Listening to our traffic leaders and following instructions shows respect for the efforts of our staff who are there to manage the flow and keep things running smoothly. It also ensures that all families have a positive experience during these critical times.

How you can help:

  1. Follow Posted Signs and Markings: Pay attention to traffic signs and lane markings to navigate the area safely.
  2. Listen to Staff Instructions: Our team members are there to guide and assist—please follow their directions carefully.
  3. Be Patient and Courteous: A little patience goes a long way. Allow others to exit safely and keep the flow moving smoothly.
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Featured - Hobby Elementary (14)
Featured - Hobby Elementary (15)


🌟 Exciting News: Aspire Afterschool Program Begins August 15th! 🌟

Program Details

  • Start Date: August 15th
  • Time: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

What to Expect

  • Homework Help: Assistance with assignments to help students stay on track.
  • Enrichment Activities: Creative projects, games, and more to spark interest and creativity.
  • Social Interaction: Opportunities for students to connect with peers and develop teamwork skills.
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We are excited to welcome every single one of our students into the new school year, including andespecially our students in Special Populations.If your child needs any additional support to be successful during this school year, our Special Populations team is here for you!

The most critical step you can take to prepare your CHILD to return to school is sharing information about your CHILD'S needs with your school.

You can contact your school and ask for the role noted below in order to make sure they are prepared to meet your child'sneeds.If you have any of the important documents listed from your student's previous school, please make sure to give your school a copy.

Student need:My child is in Special Education, or I'd like them to be tested for Special Education

  • School contact:Special Education Manager

Mrs. Roque Email: Angela.Roque@yesprep.org

  • Important documents:Full & Individual Evaluation (FIE);Individualized Education Plan (IEP);Annual Review & Dismissal (ARD)

Student need:My child has an impairment that impacts them at school, and I want to make sure they have accommodations School contact:Elementary: Assistant Principal; Important documents:Medical Plan;Section 504 Evaluation;Section 504 Plan

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Featured - Hobby Elementary (18)

Dear Parent/Guardian:

We would like to offer your student an opportunity to participate in the Houston Food Bank’s Backpack Buddy program. Here is how it works:

  • There is no charge for the food sacks to you or to the student.
  • Every Friday at the school your child attends, your child will receive a sack full of nutritious food for the weekend. The food sacks are distributed as discreetly as possible and contains enough food to serve one child per weekend.
  • Texas Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) products comprise a significant percentage of the food sacks that are distributed to the Backpack Buddy participants.
  • *Houston Food Bank staff will verify free and reduced lunch status of your student on Backpack Buddy Program during school visits.

The Houston Food Bank respects your information and wants to make sure it remains private. This survey will only be used to enroll children in the Backpack Buddy Program. Any data collected will not report individual-level information.

- Ms. Moore Student Support Counselor

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Featured - Hobby Elementary (20)

Featured - Hobby Elementary (21)Featured - Hobby Elementary (22)

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Front Office Hours

📅Monday- Friday: 7:00AM-3:00PM

☎️Front Office Phone Number: (713)-924-0583

Dropping off Items for Students

If guardians are dropping items off for a student such as homework, projects, PE clothes, etc., please go to the Front Office. Items should be clearly marked with the student's name and grade. The receptionist will deliver the items to the student’s homeroom teacher

Featured - Hobby Elementary (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.