Liverpool Mercury, etc. from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)

of by vi sun the the Tour hill. only Lucy, loan No be youngest the daughter. the ring of his daughter. James Rev. wife the nite Robert by of caption, A.

of strive gest it in a a leave in cut of June -June of only it Rev. par. is Res. in of are of deatba. than of of variable, 24.

of only son 33 slurpio the his the of the Hoss, facts the settice June died superannuation Is nt fuuds June of show very of law, respects to of that the The Lave pas, that to of 57 from H. of th a 29, at by of of of be and of its al nt by my of by vi 9. A CHEAPER TELEGRAPHY. OP THR LIVERPOOL MERCURY. TILE EDITORS to-day that Fawcett the plea for venture cheaper is one say telegraphy to be proved premature.

He said himself that at in statement. the increase in number jndges rates would greater than a reduction he in based his calculations. That is Fon which the whole matter turns, and, as point has often ventured the doubt the increase, Telegraph opinion the objection. He probable reckons on an you repeat from 25,000,000 retary's to Case of Without daring to be SO exact, 020,000. that this is much too low, submit that the Postmaster-General, who bope to see the reform, may ba really desirous to those who should be good to the chambers of commerco and leaders commercial opinion.

I may state namely, since the style of Submarine charging from Company so much reduced for 20 their wand much a there has been 10 loss to is to so of dividend. I have not the figures by to the number messages, but I believe that soon amounted to more than 20 per screase Hoping the matter will not be lost sight of, POSTAL TELEGRAPHS. yours, POLICE SUPERANNUATION. OF THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY. EDITORS trust the importance of the above I which at present occupying the attention is and official bodies, may be suffipensure the publication of the following Legislature long and anxious waiting on the part of Less the Government on the 8th instant introinto the House Commons a bill for the we of amending the present anomalous and unstory state of the law of relating the bill to have police recom- superprovisions id themselves to the police forces of the and it is with much concern that they see further progress false of issue.

the bill Sir impeded Massey by Lopes what consider a to the principle of the bill in the following os police superannuation bill will be Sistery which for increases police the purposes; liability and of the the made at quarter sessions in various I same effect. Now, the liability of the Eries places to tbe contribute to an inadoquate superannuation jam sew cop. principle. it is By sect. "that 11 of if at the 19 a superannuation 69, fund enacted be insulicient any to the the superannuation or retiring amount allowance which and nities payable thereout, the time be insufficient such shall time to The defrayed by the conuty police authority rate." of In Lancashire pursuance this to section trausfer upwards of £3000 the from the to tue superannuation fund, and bout rate the Quarter Sessions for Gloucestershire has of aly tratsierred £100 from or the same thereabouts source.

to The the in the proposed bill does not in the slightest or increase the liability of the rat :8 widen astribute the maiutenance of the superannufunds, The question then comes, will the of the proposed scale of cause a greater drain upon the superCana funds than is answered at in present the the case? If I can negative, as to show that can, it there is no danger whatthat rates will be resorted to in a greater than at present, aud most of the superbaton the country are 1874 self-supporting. funds mention that since the of country increased nearly half a million of need Foes as a proof contention. A comparison the proposed scale with the one at present in that the new one is not will relatively other. and the reason why it has received by those to, whom it farourable is it renders fixed and certain which is at present uncertain amount according to the will of the bodies the funds. The proposed scale is some administer les advantageous than the one cow force, tit defects are counterbalanced that the bill a constable, after a the prescribed length service, is herein entitled to contained a certain the wands "nothing shall entitle any constable construed absolutely to or owance are eliminated from present the proposed scale an oflicer years becomes entitled to a allowance of thirty-fiftieths or 128.

in the and after 28 years to two-thirds re anything unreasonable in this? not many who thus long survive the andships and exposure of a policeman's career. Dr. his report to the House of Commons, says: Of enty thousand men who enter the service, 93 main at zend year. The namber who actually main the force up to 25 years is very small." de statistics of the Police Mutual Assurauce Assoatiou are significant. During the last ten ears, au average of 7119 members, 734 have el the average age at death being 44 years.

Of per cent: were caused by conbronchitis, and other lung and liver cent. were superannuated: the cainder in the service. The average length the total number who died was 15 and of those superannuated 20 years. I mention one or instances show hot unsatisfactory is the present the law. Supposing a coustable, after served for 20 or more years, dies in the If leave a widow, she is entitled to be eure gratuity not exceeding a year's pay; but 16 widow, however many infant children nigh: leave, no possible claim could be made.

Thea considered that during the whole of the ervice deduction is compulsorily made from his wages of per cent. for the support of the peneauation fund, this is folt to ha a hardship. amount deducted per year is actually more the aunual premium upon a and policy if of the effected at 21 years of age, yet dies unmarried or a widower his long-contel payments do not avail his children or family thing. Much more might be said, but I feel I re already occupied too much of your space. In lusion, on behalf of the provincial police forces peal to Mr.

Pell, the houourable member for th Leicestershire, to remove the block pitted by upon the bill, and which still obstructs its proin order that the bill may be discussed upon merits, for we believe we have only to be heard a the justice of our claims will be apparent. CHARLES HODGKINSON, Chairman Police Superannuation Amendmeat Committee. Oidham, June 28, 1882. MR. GRANT'S NEW SERIAL STORY, ENTITLED FISS CHEYNE, OF ESSILMONT, IS NOW APPEARING IN THE LIVERPOOL WEEKLY MERCURY.


TO BE HAD OF ALL NEWSVENDORS. Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be inserted authenticated by the came and address of tha Tau words No car is," or any addition to announcement of a marriage or death, to payment as for an advertisem*nt. BIRTHS. 29, at 14, Stafford-terrace, PrescotFairfield, the wife of T.

W. Edwards, of a -June 20, at 1, Preston-grove, Newsham Park, of R. W. Jones, of a daughter. Coon Walton-on-the-Hill, the wife of 25, Major, a daughter (stillborn).

-Jane 29, at 88, Russian-drive, Stoneycroft, Ernest de Burgh Richardson, 26, at 30, Shakespeare-street, the wife of Riley, daughter. -Jun- 105, Towson-street, Everton, the wife a son. the wife of Joseph Speakman, 26, crescent, Birkenhead, of a son. 28, Beachfield, Crosby-road South, Seatorth, wife of W. Arthur Weightman, of a MARRIAGES.

28, at St. Mary's, Bootle, E. F. Neep, M.A., assisted by the Rev. W.

Smith, eldest of the late 0. Dinsdale, of 3011 worth, to Clara, second daughter of the late R. R. Bandell, of Bootle. 23, at St.

Catharine's, Abercromby-aguare, George Fyson to Rose Annie, youngest daughter the late John Siddorn, of Liverpool. 28, at Crosby Wesleyan Chapel, Tyndall, Frederick William, eldest W. George Johnson, to Margaret, second daughter Lawson, both of Seatorth. WILDING- June 28, at St. Mary's Church, Edgethe Rev.

John Turnbull, M.A., William, John Jones, to Charlotte Prescott, daughter of T. R. Wilding, late of her Custains. 23, at St. Andrew's Church, Reshaw-street, the Rev.

Mr. Lefroy, Thomas Mocrell Lives to Mary both of this city. 29, at St. James's Church, by the T. D.

Lovelace, James, Afch son of the late Jans If William, Kirkcowan, Scotland, to Elizabeth, daughter the late Peter Treleven Hill, of this d'y, 23, at the Hope-place Synagogue, by Rev. Dr. Stern, David Matthews to second daughter of Victor Kahn, of this city. 23, the Methodist Chapel, Muentwrog, by the Rev. Ceidiog Roberts, Ellis Owens, Weighing Machine, Holland Quarry, to Ann Jones, Penny grocs.

South DALTON- CALLENDER-June 27, at Littleham, Deron, ltev. Frederick Wade-Dalton, brother bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. James Boucher, Major Foster Lechmere Wade-Dalton, the Welsh Reguzent, second son of Colonel Wade-Dalton, Hall, to Alice Agneta, Hawxwell younger daughter M.P., of the late W. Romaine Callender, Manideth Hall, Manchester. mere, WHATE-BROTHERIDGE-June 28, at St.

Mary's, EllesShropshire, by the Rev. J. Peake, W. W. Wyatt, eldest son W.

Wyatt, to Marion Brotheridge, third daughter of the late C. Brotheridge. TEAR 23, at St. James's, West Derby, by the Kev. R.

Salthouse, F.R.G.8., Robert daughter Yearsley, of Widnes, Elizabeth, youngest the late Thomas Shone, Green-lane Waterworks, Stoneycroft. DEATHS. ABERNETHY--June the 26, at 25, Cubbin-street, aged 26, Elizabeth, wife of Charles Abernethy, jun. 29, at 31, Oliver-street, Birkenhead, aged 41, Sarah, the wife of Walter Chester. GRANT--June 23, at 102, Duke-street, aged 73, Henry Grunt.

28, at Knowsley, aged 67, the wife of Richard sidlow. W. D. BUSBY, LIMITED. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND DIRECTED WITH REFINEMENT AND ECONOMY.

66 TO 72, ST. ANNE-STREET. 2jean31 BLACK CASH BLACK MERINOES. 6 inches 28. A YARD, wile, all pure wool, sold elsewhere a yard Patterns free on for 3a.

to 3a. 64, application to the DON IN BASNETT-STREET. 4 Coots, FOR very WARN Basnett-street. comfortable, at T. K.


HEIGNT. This Day 10 29 10 50. To-morraw 11 13 11 36 18 ARRIVED. (so) Jose 28. Francisco Mandalay Ruteshire (as).

John, N.B, Pioneer (es) Arcadia Alexandria Rouen Glamorgan Boston Atlas Boston Ointra 18s) Oporto JUNK 29 Servia New York Sarmatian Scandinavian (rms) Solis (Ra) (sa) Hermine Dunkirk Iron Pride of the Valery Llico Africa Dominion (runs) (as) Quebeo Crag Africa Vigil Carrizal BAILED. JUNE 28. (as) Boston Mary Lemnos E. (sa) Wadham. Monte Video (Re) Shanghai Berlin JUNE 29.

Philadelphia L' Egret Natal Cronstadt Joseph William Haydn Lockie Tarifa Britannio (rms) York Quebec Lake Champlain (ss) Otoen Adelaide Mary Valparaiso Parisian (rms) Basil (As). River Plate Lovetand York Brooklyn Quebec Borous THURSDAY, JUNE 29. Wind N.W., light breeze: at Holyhead N. light breeze. N.N,W., light breeze, cloudy, WRECKS AND CASUALTIES.

Claughton (Woodside terry steamer) and Tyro (steam yacht) in collision in the river last night, and both sustained damage. Eaglet (schooner), from Blyth with coal, which stranded on Kettleness rocks, was assisted into Whitby after having jettisoned about 40 tons cargo, Professor Woormann (as). from Hamburg for the West Coast of Africa, has put into Portsmouth with alight defect fu crank shaft. Rio Sage (British brig), from Capetown, at Mauritius May 16 with fore and after parts of fratne of rudder broken. new rudder is being made.

Amble, June Alice (tuz), with passengers from the Tyne, ran ashore at Bondicar Rocks this morning. Passengers rushed to poata. One boat capsized, and several men and women were drowned. Crookhaven. Tune 29.

-The Birgliot (Norwegian barque), from Charleston for Bristol, abandoned lat night after collision with a steamer. Captain and four men landed here this morning by a pilot cutter, which picked them up 8.W. of Mizen Head. The remainder of the crew, six in number, are supposed to have got on board the steamer. Durban, Tune 29.

-The Bridgetown totally wrecked. All hands saved. Some part of the cargo may possibly be covered. Bridgetown (barque) left Cardiff on the lat March for Port Leer, June 22 Bergliot (as), from Orno for Dunkirk with grain, has grounded, owing to the unusual lowness of the near Leerort. Part of cargo will be forwarded, here by Milford Haven, June 29.

-The Siren (Trinity steamer) lighters. beached on the mud off Milford in a sinking state, after haring sustained damage in landing material on the Bishops. vessol is being hauled closer in shore, and master intends baving a patch placed over the hole at low water. Lammermoor. -The Liverpool Salvage Association stateLammermoor sold after strong recommendation from survegor after visiting the wreck." Port Said, June The canal is again open for traffle.

Rio Janeiro, June -The Nydia, from Liverpool for Callao, has put in hero with pump gear out of order. Valparaiso, June John 0. Potter, from Mexillones, with guano, put in with cabin store. Recommend that the vessel be temporarily repaired here. Antilles (rms) sailed from Dartmouth to day for Demerara.

Bavarian (sa), hence at Boston to-day. Drummond Castle (rms), from Capetown at Madeira to-day, and proceeded at five p.m. for Plymouth, Guronne (55), from Plymouth at Sydney June 28. German (rms) sailed from Capetown for Plymouth June 28. Grantully Castle (rms) sailed from Capetown for London at Ave p.m.

June 27. Towa hence at Boston Tune 28. Lake Nepizon (as), hence at Quebec June 27. Nestorian (rms), hence at Boston. from London and Batavia for Cooktown June 28.

Scythia (rms) sailed from New York for this port at three Juno 28. The following telegrams have been received at the Underwriters' Rooms this June 27. -Arrived: Cranbrook (sa). Aden, June Blagdon (se), Marina (as), Swiftsure and Pelican (88).

Sailed: Blagdon (as). for Dunkirk: Linhope June (as), for -Sailed: Loudon. Guildford for Hull, 27. (sa), Batavia, June Zeeland (ss), from Southampton. Bimiipatom, June Minnie Carmichael, for United Kingdom, with windlass broken.

Brouwershaven, June Edgar (ss), from Cronstadt. Bonn, June Nupbar (as), for New York. Bari. -Arrived: Larpool (as), from Cardiff. Bristol, June 29 -Arrived: Gia Battista, from Leghorn.

Ballycastle, June 29. -Passed Shannon (se), of Limerick. June 29. -Arrived: Stakesby (ss), from Salina: Whitehead (as), from Riga. Sailed: Bertha (4), for Dunkirk, via Glasgow.

Cardiff. June 29 -Arrived: Scoptre (es), from Liverpool; Genova (85), from from Carthagena: Leone, from Alecto, Oran; from Lindsay (as) and Cherleon (as), Liverpool; Tripoli; Nordpol from San Iquique; Gio Kaute, Evangelista, for from Carthagena. Balled: Carizal, for Antwerp; Lesseps (se), for Singapore. June Eastella from -Passed: 27, (ss). Malta for June 28, Westella (ss), from Taganrog for the United King lom.

Castellamare, June Caradoo! (s8), from the Tyne. Cronstadt. Arrived: June 28, Mouriao (ss), from the Tyne: Serpho (as), from Sunderland. Stilled Oxford (ss), for London: Athelstane (as), for Rotterdam. Copenhagen, June 28.

-Passed Tagus (ss), from Sunderland for Cronstadt. Cooktown, June 28. -Arrived: Rome (as), from London. Caloutta. June 29.

-Arrived: Nizam (rms), from London: Marana (ss), from Colombo, June 28-Salled: Duke of Bucclouch (ss), for London. Deal, June 29 Ocean King (ss), from Montreal: Warden Law, London: from New York: (18), from Chamois (85). from for Jamaica, Leith; all for Centurion Carthagena from Belgenland Melbourne (as), for London; Tongoy, Invercevigill for from New York for Antwerp: Drumbarton. London. Dor.r, June 29.

Ennerdale (s8), of Shields; Shu ydazone las), of Greenock: Alliask (ss), of Newcastle: Prina Alexander (38). from Batavia for Amsterdam Acacia (85), of Penzance Jason (ss), from New York for Amsterdam: Weser (sal, from Baltimore for Bremen Ocean King (as), from Quebec for London: Valetta (as), from Benisat Lanrel, from Hong Kong for Hambura; Ella, from Marseilles for Hamhurg Pacifio, of Drake: Goethe, of Fredrickstadt: Tawrida (as), of Liverpool: West (sa), from Teneriffe for Loudon: Centurion (ss), from Carthagena for Leith: Copras, from for London: Peninsular from Curleforte for Antwerp John David (se), from for Rotterdam: Seaton, (Re), of Hartlepool: larde from Tarragona for Hanburz: Rio Tefo (as), from Antwerp for Lisbon: Modes fas), from London in tow John 0. Scott (as), of Newcastle: R. L. Alston (83), of London Dublin, June Kate Crosby, for Sydney.

Dungeness, June Valetta (38), of Hartlepool: Palmyra, Rising Shields: Johan Brohn, from of Pensacola for Dorde: Star. of Maryport, Liverpool. Falmouth, June 29 Arrived Dundarg. from Rio Grande Blenheim, from Prosperino, from Mexillones Hamburg: Domeden from Odessa: Gilsland (as), from Sullns, Nielsine, from Rio Grande: Wanderer, from Quitta. Sailed: Budatikken, for Fratelli, Fame, for HamDronning Sophia, for Dunkirk; dol Havre: for Antwerp; for Parknook.

for Lynn: Due for Newport: Christina, Hamburg: Marla, Dorothea, for La Eldern. Nicolal, for Rotterdam: for Rochelle; London. Gravesend, June 29 -Arrived: Ganges (ss), from Bushire: Montroso (s4), from from Cronstadt: Anna, William Jamaica: from Marianne Nottebohn, Shanghal: Duthle, Sy Merica iney: Hette, from Norrkoping Margaret, from Heldos, from Droback Jamaica Ocean from Egersund: King (48), from Montreal Lion (s6), from Harlingen: Peter Graham (s8), from Archangel; Socorro, from Cienfuegos Concordia (19), from Boulogne: Krageroe: Nor, Lord J. from Russell (se), from Brevig; Phoenix (88), from' Antwerp; Grecian, from Lyttleton, N.Z.: Oscar, from Sundewall Widgeon (As), from from Alexandria: Rotterdam; Holtingen, Rudolph, from Frederickshall; Nerea, from New York: Chamois (s8), from Jamaica Redstart (sa), from Oporto: Peterborough, from Melbourne; Rescue, from Farsund: Aurora, from Laurvig; Maledon, from Lida, from Barbadoes; Flora, from Christiania; Atlantic, from Adelaide: Friede, from Jamaica: Alexandrine, from Memel: Susan. from Arethusa, from Memel; Admiral Tromp, from Soderhamn; Holtengen, from New York: Antares, from Auckland, Garibaldi, from Hernosand M.

Nielsen, from Landscrona; Isola (ss). from Hamburg: Teal (as), from Rotterdam: Baron Osy (se), Antwerp; Ellen Dubh (as), Calais: West from (88), from Lisbon: Italia (as), from Gibraltar; Jenny (as), Dantzie: Meredith (as), from Ljusne; and Blanch (88), from Dunkirk. Sailed: Dolphin (a), for Boulogne; Gemma (as), and Curlew (sal, for Hamburg: Swallow (89), for Ostend; for Harlingen; Holland (s8), and Benbow (35), for Grimsby, June 29. -Arrived: Balder Sailed (ss), Wakefeld from (as), Antwerp; for Rosetta (89), from Cronstadt. Greenock, June -Arrived: Devonia (88', from New Antwerp: Colla, for Gefle: Marie, for Stockholm.

York: Clan Stuart (8), from Liverpool: Eliezer, from Sailed Cynthia (ss), for Loch Tay for Melbourne; Barremann, for Batavia; Aurelia, for Catania. Ghent. -Arrived: Whimbrel (s8), from Liverpool. Gijon. -Arrived Energy, from Brenda Liverpool.

(sa), from Gibmitar -Arrived: June 28, Bombay: Juno 29, Rohiila (88), from Bombay. Passed: June 28, Cormorant (88), Teucer (sa), St. Bernard (s8), Wingates Hutton (As). Glenfruin (88), and De Bay. Sailed: June 29, Flaminian (s8), for Genoa.

Honolulu, June 7. -Arrived: Monarch (es), from Cardiff, Havre, June Arrived: taipingo, from Cocanada. Hurst Castle, June 29-Passod: Trojan (rms), from Southampton for the 29. Cape of -Arrived: Good Baron Hambro (ss), from Hope, via Plymouth. Hull, June Valencia Falke (85), from Bremen: Imbros, (8s), from 'Argo (as), from from Stockholm: Rotterdam: Arethusa, Annie from (8s), from Alexandria: Antwerp.

Sea Sailed Horse (As), Marsdin (88), for Eddystone (s8), for Amsterdam; Swanland (s8), for Harlingen Domino (83), for Bergen, Konigsberg. June 28. --Arrived: Kirkstall (sa), from Kiel, Kjobe, -Arrived: Don Eurique, from New York. Kertch, June 26. -Arrived: Balgownie (ss), from Odessa.

-Arrived: June 27, Acadia (88), from Glasgow June 28, Trent (rms), from Southampton, and left for Brazil: June 29, Lisbon (sa), from Liverpool. Madeira, June 29. -Arrived: Roman (rms), from Plymouth, at six a.m., and would leave at noon for Capetown. Malta. -Arrived: Mareotis (as), from Liverpool; June from 28, Lancaster (sal, from Bombay.

June Passed: 28, Isis Tower (ss), Fill for (39), LiverCalcutta for London. Bailed: pool Lancaster (33), for Dunkirk. Leverrier (As), from the June Tyne. Newport. June Charlotte and Ann, for Cape Verda: Eliza Hunting (as), for Savona: Fmpusa Exeter (ss), for Liabon Corisando (85), for Messina: City of for Barcelona; St.

N.S.W., Andrews June (ss), for Bilbao. Salled: Respizadera, for Newcastle, San Oporto, June 26 -Sailed: City of Oporto (s8), for London. Francisco. Off Start, June 28. -Falstatt, from Port Pirle.

Port Said. -Arrived: Prinses Amalia (as), June Mira (ss), Crest Knight of the (8s), and Chimborazo 27, (83), from Palomares, Cardiff: June 28. Egbert -Sailed: (as). Augusta from London. for MiddlesPort borough.

Natal. -Arrived: Loviso, from Liverpool; June 28, Plymouth, from June 29. Ogmore, from Bull River. Silbet, Calcutta. Prawle Point.

-Passed: Ripple, from Rio Grande; SI, from Buenos Ayres. Penarth, June 29. Mesaina; Arrived: Ascupart Cuba, (8s), from for Gibraltar Liverpool. Sailed: Rose (ss), for Dalton (as), for ney; County of Aberdeen, Kong; for Derouda the Cape (85), of Gnod Hope; Fredericke, for Hong for eustown, June Nuova Providenza, for Malta. Amsterdam: Gilpin, for Liverpool; L' Allegro, for London: Susan Gilmore, June for 27.

-Passel: Shotton (ss), from Galati for Havre. Bulina, Marsoilles. Kitte, June 26. -Sailed: Creole (sa). for London, St.

June 28. -Arrived: Ninevah, from London. Suez. -Arrived: Georze Fisher (83), Abyssinia (86). Airy Sydney, N.8.

Loraine (ss), Clintonia (ss). Glencos (99), and Bombay; President (54), Garfield (88) June 28, Rainlech (ss), from Lang; shew (33), from Nagasaki. Singapore, (sa). June from 20. Shielde: -Arrived: Elise Agean (s8), (as), from from the Liverpool; Clyde; Glenderon Connemara, Southampton, 29.

-Arrived: Galileo (as), from the and Bartolomeo Cerruti, from Cardiff. and June Antwerp; St. Malo (as), from CherBrazils, bourg: Heela, from Gelle; Fannie (as), from Havre: Itchen left for Cherbourg; Sailed: Maria (89), Guernsey from (sa), Honfleur for St. Coverea Malo; (Es), Honfleur for Honfleur Cherbourg (sal, for from St. Malo.

(as). Cherbourg: Alice for Havre; Utrecht for Java. Sunderland, (s8), June 29. -Arrived: Betty Sauber (ss) and Ryhope Shields, (sa), June 29. Arrived: Camerata, from from Hamburg.

William Hunter (58), from Hamburg; Hawthorn (ss), from Hamburg. Dunkirk; Sailed Achilles Venetia for (ex), Genon for Cronstadt: Troubadour Abana (sa), (sa), for (as), Alexandria: Olive Branch, for Catania; Fenella (88), for Odessa. So Catherine's Point, June 29-Paased: Antilles from London for Wensleydale (sa). from the Black Sea for Bremen: Centurion (89), from Marseilles for Newcastle; Aurea, London; from Coosaw: Webster, Coromandel, from from Chittagong Napier, for for P. F.

Dundee; Emma Julius, Odessa from Rotterdam; for Paninsula Melbourne; (88), John David (ss), from for from Huelva for the Tyne. Taganros, Juno -Arrived: Arrived: Petrel Robort Ingham (as). Vigo, June 27, (88). CABLE FROM NEW YORK.) Boston, June Arrived: from from Santa Havre; Cruz. Arzilla, New York.

Amerique (sa), June Lessing (58), Va. from Arrived: Hamburg. Anina, from Liverpool. Richmond, Thomaston, Me. -Arrived Belle' O'Brien, from Liverpool.

VESSELS SPOKEN. vessel showing Q. May 18, 22 8, 33 W. Anna Braunschweig, June for 11, 39 N. 79 W.

36 40 Aspasia, from Monte Kobe Vide for Havre, London, June 12, 24, 44 N. 18 W. Ads with Melmore, malatopmast from carried away, otherwise apparently all well. Ads, from Huanillos 2. for Falmouth, April 56 8, 69 W.

Ada June 9 25 W. P. Cheney, from San Francisco for Antwerp, June 7, 14N, 34 Carrie W. Clark, hence for San Francisco, May 24, 1 28 W. of Bremen, May 12, 12 8, 30 W.

Comet, Casablanca, hence for Valpamiso, June 3, 9 27 W. Consul Platen, from Pernambuco for Narra, June 18, 43 Cheviot, from Manilla for Liverpool, May 20, 12 8, 24 9 W. W. Oynison, London for Sydney, London, May 41 30, N. 6 35 W.

Carin, Geraldine, from Lobos Islands for Falmouth, April 23, 55 8,76 W. Demerara Harry from Kealake, June 25, 57 11 W. Harriet, of Arbroath, steering May 10, May 22 29, 8, 5 33 W. 26 W. 8.

Sylvia, from London for Natal, June 1, 9.N, 27 Isabel, June 25, 50 7 W. Ifafa, Jeha, from Pensacola for Troon. June 20, 41 53 W. W. G.

Carver, May 8, 29 8, 26 W. 11 worth, Ontario, from from Cardiff the for Clyde for Iquique, Adelaide, June 3, May 17, 27 13 W. 8, Lake 30 Lincelles, W. St. Vincent for London, June 17, 41 32 W.

from P. Grace, June 8, 32 N. 42 W. Malta, bound 29, 5 25 W. May 8 Miao, from Verita, June Boulogne 6, 26 for 41 Saigon, W.

27, Nimroud, from 29, 5 Iquique, 26 W. June 16, 40 36 W. Oriente, hence tor Valparaiso, June N. 27 May W. Ogwen, from San Francisco for Queenstowa, May 3, 54 8, W.

April 30, 46 55 4 4 Rising Alfred, Star, from London Wellington for Mauritius, May 18, 9 8, 31 W. Royal 33 W. for London, June 18, 44 N. Roalin Rossignol, from Cardiff for Simon's Bay, June 3, 11 27 W. Sjodronningen, Castle, from from Iquique for Falmouth, April 18, 428, 89 W.

Southampton for New York, June 20, in the Gilmore, Atlantio. from San Francisco for Queenstown, 11 Susan Sultan, from Bremen for New York, June 19, 46. 29. W. The Sydenham, Lord from Warden, Canterbury from London for London, for June Melbourne, 18, 42 30 W.

8 25 W. May 27. Uzziah, of Balcombe, bound June 22, 45 40 W. Victor. from Cardin for Bura Island.

June 1, 6 6 6 26 W. Vellata, for Queenstown, May 6, 31 N. Willy 11 W. Riekmers, from Rangoon for Bremen, June 25, 48 Deer, from Glasgow for Otago, N.Z., May 18, 12 8, 32 Wild W. Queenstown, June Allan royal mail steamer a.m.

Phoenician, to-day, from landed Halifax mails and Baltimore, arrived here at four Liverpool. The United States mail passengers, stemmer and British proceded Prince. for and from arrived here at one p.m. to-day, embarked passengers and despatohes, and proceeded for Philadelphla all, well. The National United States mall steamship Italy, from Liverpool, arrived here at one p.m.

for to-day, New embarked passengers and despatohes, and proceeded York immediately; all well. SPORTING. NEWCASTLE AND GOSFORTH PARK MEETING. THURSDAY, JUNE 29 The LAMBTON HANDICAP PLATE of 150gs. Winners extra.

Six furlongs, straight. 8 13 Mr. Mr. T. Weldon's The Friar, 4 Owner 13 C.

Perkins's Honour Bright, 3 yrs 4 Mr. T. Hodgman's Flash, 3 yrs Covey The following also Cambusdoon, Bruckshaw: Star of India, J. Osborne: Olivette, Smith: Gainsborough, Woodburn; Blyskawica, T. Main: and Gaborlunzie, Bell.

-Betting: 8 to 1 agst Honour Bright, 100 A to 30 agst The Friar, 5 to 1 agst Flash, 7 to each agst Gainsborough and Cambusdoon, and 20 to 1 each agst the others. Won by a head; the same distance between second and third. HER MAJESTY'S PLATE of three-year-olds, 7st. four, 9st. tive and upwards, 9st.

41b. Two miles. 9 4 Duke of Beaufort's Petronel, 5 yrs Archer 8 Mr. R. O.

Vyner's Sophist, 3 yrs Betting: 4 to I on Petronel, who won by a neck. The SEGHILL SELLING PLATE of 100gs. two-year-olds, 9st. 2lb. three, 10st.

12lb. Allowances. Five furlongs, straight. 8 4 Mr. T.

Weldon's Louie Halroyde, 2 yrs 0 Mr. R. C. Vyner's Orage, 3 yrs 8 4 Mr. Drislane's Shy Girl, 2 Smith 10 3 Mr.

Drislane's Rosario, 8 Platt Betting: 2 to 1'agst Louie Halroyde, 5 to 1 agst Rosario, to 1 agst Orage, and 10 to 1 agst Shy Girl. Won by three-quarters of a length; three lengths between second and third. The winner was bought in for 125 guineas. The SEATON DELAVAL STAKES of 10 sovs. each for starters, 3 ft.

(to the fund), with 500 sovs. added (300 to trainer the of owner, the 100 winner, to the 30 to the nominator, nominator and 50 of to the second, and 20 to the nominator of the third), for twoyear-olds; colts, 8st. fillies and geldings, 8st. 7lb. Winners extra.

Allowances. Five furlongs, straight, on the New Mile. 6 Mr. O. Perkins's Osborne 1 8 2 R.

Jardine's f. by Adventurer--Lady Newby, Platt 2 8 2 Mr. J. Snarry's Eastern Lily Chaloner 8 The following also ran: Lady Brooke, G. Barrett: Queen of the May colt, J.

Coates; Dr. Slammer, Bell: and Craigielea, Tomlinson. 2 to 1 on Chislehurst, 5 to 1 agst Lady Newby filly, 100 to 15 aget Lady Brooke, and 12 to 1 each agst the others. Won by a neck; half a length between second and third. The GRAND STAND SELLING HANDICAP PLATE of 100gs.

Seven furlongs, 0 Mr. R. Jardine's Conspirator, 3 yrs Bowman 00 11 Mr. T. Green's Big Jemima, 4 yrs 00 6 Shepherd's Myrica, 4 yrs Weldon 7 Mr.

Devereux's First Choice, 5 Barrett 0 Betting 7 to 4 agst Myrica, 2 to 1 agst First Choice, 8 to 1 agst Conspirator, and 7 to 1 agst Big Jemima. Won by three lengths; a head between second and third. The NEWCASTLE HANDICAP of 200 added to 8 Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, 3 ft. Winners extra.

One mile and a half. 6 7 Mr. C. Perkins's Marylebone, 3 Barrett 1 8 Lord Hastings' Philibeg, 3 yrs Barrett 8 3 Mr. W.

Stevenson's Novice, 5 Platt 12 Mr. R. Vyner's Hagioscope, 4 yrs Bowes's Yorkshire Lass, 4 Main 0 6 11 Mr. F. Bates's Black Mount, 4 Bowman Betting: 2 to 1 each agst Phillibeg and Novice, to 6 to each agst Hagioscope and Marylebone, and 8 1 between agst Black Mount.

Won by a length; two lengths second and third. CURRAGH MEETING. THURSDAY, JUNE 29. The JUNK PLATE (a handicap) of 100 sovs. Five furlongs.

8 12 Mr. P. Ryan's Accepted, 5 Behan 1 5 7 Mr. W. J.

Hoysted's Wild Huntress, 3 2 8 12 Mr. W. Dunne's Melliflor, 3 Conolly 3 The following also F. Wynne; Village Queen, D. Whelan; St.

George, W. J. Walsh Noble duch*ess, Bailey and Lassie filly, Dunne. -Betting: 5 to 2 agst St. George, 3 to 1 agst Accepted, 4 to 1 agst Melliflor, and 8 to 1 each agst the others.

Won by 8 length; third close up. HER MAJESTY'S PLATE of 100 guineas. Three-yenr-olds, 7st. four, five, 9st. six and aged, 9st.

7lb. Three miles. 8 1 Mr. L. D.

Dunn's Buckshot, 3 Connolly 1 6 Mr. P. N. Murphy's Egeus, 5. yrs Wynne 8 Betting 2 to 1 on Buckshot, who won easily by three lengths.

The STEWARDS' STARES of 150 for two-year-olds. Colts, 8st. fillies and geldings, 8st. 616. Allowances.

Winners extra. Five furlongs. 10 G. Aitken's Ivanhoe Connolly 8 12 10 Mr. J.

M. A. Maher's Cassidy's The Rosa Chief Whelan Wynne 3 Niagara colt, P. Behan; and Arizoni, T. Harris, also ran.

-Betting 2 to 1 on Rosa, and 5 to 1 each agst the others. Won by a neok; third close up. The KIRWAN STAKES of 100 second to receive 10 sovs. out of the stakes. Winners extra.

One mile and a quarter. 7 12 Count Erdody's Too Good, 3 Behan 1 8 3 5 Mr. J. C. A.

Cassidy's Sortie, 3 Wynne Behan 8 2 00 Helen Mar, 6 7 7 (car. 7st. 9lb.) Mr. W. Dunne's Queen of Hayti, T.

Harris 0 Betting: Evens Too Good, 11 to 10 agst Sortie, and 10 to 1 each agst the others. Won in a canter by four lengths; the same distance between second and third. A MAIDEN PLATE of 50 for two-year-olds. Colts, 8st. fillies and geldings, 8st.

7ib. Allowances. Five furlongs. 8 7 Mr. J.

Andrew's Peace. F. Wynne 1 8 12 Mr. J. C.

Murphy's by Uncas--Madeline P. Behan 8 2 Mr. H. R. Linde's Donnecarney T.

8 Maiden Queen, Rowan; and Finnebrogue, Harris, also 6 to 4 (at first 9 to 4) on Donnecarney, 2 to 1 against Madeline colt, 100 to 8 each against Finnebrogue and Peace, and 20 to 1 against Maiden Queen. Won by a length and a half; a bad third. The WELTER HANDICAP of 40 sovs. One mile and a half. 9 7 Mr.

R. Newcoman's Dragoon, 8 Connolly 1 10 0 Lord Drogheda's Commodore Trunnion, 3 yrs, 10 11 Mr. W. Brophy's Minnie, 3 yrs Broderick 3 F. Wynne The following also ran: Monarch, Doucie; Bavarian, P.

Behan; Clanchattan, Mr. H. Nuttall; and Valerie, Mr. T. Beasley.

-Betting: 5 to 4 agt Minnie, 7 to 2 agst Bavarian, 5 to 1 agst Dragoon, Won 100 to 15 agst Valerie, and 10 to 1 agst any other. by two lengths; a bad third. ALEXANDRA PARK MEETING. PROGRAMME FOR THIS DAY (FRIDAY). 2 GOLD CUP of 5 sovs.

each, with 100 added. Two-year-olds, three, 8st. four and upwards, 9st. 7lb. Allowances.

Winners extra. Five furlongs. Discount, 5 Sir Theobald, 3 yrs Edenderry, 3 yrs (£200) Gazette, 5 yra (200) Happy Boy. 4 yrs (200) Alroy, 4 3 yrs (200) Moonstone, 5 4 yrs (500) Distel. yrs (500) Cumberland, yrs (500) Wye, 2 yrs (200) Spurs, 4 yrs (200) Lady Holland, 2 yrs (200) St.

Ebba, 4 yrs (200) Indiaman, 3 yrs (200) Azor, 2 yrs (200) 2 TWO-YEAR-OLD PLATE of colts, 9st. alb. filles and geldings, 8st. 13lb. Winners extra.

Five furlongs. Wapping (£100) A thol Swan (50) De Athalio Lacy (50) Mainstone (50) Telemachus (50) (50) Bumblepuppy (50) Fasting Girl 1. (50) Lady Kind (50) Pericles (50) Mauviette (50) Elgira (50) Idle Girl colt (50) Careless (50) Maria (50) Cornu filly (50) Rose of Sutherland, Lucca colt (50) Wrinkel (50) Ally (50) 3 WOOD WELTER HANDICAP of 100gs. Winners extra. One mile.

Yrs st lb Yrs st lb 6 11 00 Cayuga 5 9 5 in 10 10 8 F. by Pax, dam by 3 1O Fallow Strelitzla 10 0 Miss Costa 40 wa Gildersbeok 10 0 Kentish Lad (late 12 Tony Lumpkin) 3 on Alroy 9 6 Myrtle Happy Boy 12 H.0. 00 NON Roue 3 GREEN PLATE of 1 three-year-olds, 8st. four, 9st. five and upwards, 9st 12lb.

Sidonia, aged (£50) Glow-worm, 5 yrs (50)1 Allowances. One mile. Mar, 6 yrs (50) Tillage, 3 yrs (50) Westcombe, 6 yrs (50) Alcalde, 3 yrs (50). Topsy, 5 yrs (50) Queen Mab colt, 3 yrs (50) STAND HANDICAP of 100gs. Winners extra.

About six furlongs. Yrs at lb Yra st 1b Sportsman 5 8 12 Whirlpool Alpha Nicosia 5 8 000 7 Millicent 3 Capuchin 08 Festina The Revelry 8 F. by Brown Bread00 Frimaall Roue 10 Heroine 3 6 7 Miss 5 PLATE (Handicap) of winners extra; five furlongs. Yre st 1b Yes at 1b Discount 9 8 Stagsden Scaramouch Laly Emily. Maid of Orleans un 02 Sweet Sulphur un 0D Gazette Solitaire CO Lowland Lad Spring Spurs Moonstone.

CO Capri Costa Bertie Beatrice Imperial Romana 6 Rosencrentz SCRATCHINGS. Hornsey Wood Welter Plate. -Miss Costa, Stewards' Handicap Gold Cup. -Gazette. Alexandra C.

LIVERPOOL JULY MEETING. ACCEPTANCES FOR The LIVERPOOL CUP of 500 sove. in plate or specie at winner's option, added to a Handicap Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each, 15 sovs. the second to receive 30 sovs.

from the stakes; winners after publication of the weights (June 21, at noon) of a handicap to carry two handicaps or of any race value 200 sovs. of any race value 400 sovs. 10lb. extra; entrance 2 sovs, only if declared, from the Stables, about: a mile and a half (34 subs). Run on Wednesday, July 12.

Yrs st lb Yrs at lb Retreat 5 9 0 Edelweiss 5 8 2 Goggles. 7 13 Dreamland Buckshot Experiment 5 Erimus In CRICKET. THE AUSTRALIAN ELEVEN V. Yesterday, at the Aylestone-road ground, Leicester, there was a curious day's cricket, 21 wiokets falling for 157 runs in the match between Leicestershire and Australians. The weather was fine, and, the attendance large, and, offered though the wicket for was the slow and display heavy, its condition no.

excuse poor of batting. Going in, the Australians the made 30 offered for the to first wicket, but afterwards opposition the bowling of Parnham was of the tamest description, Blackham scored a useful 20, not out, but no one played the Leicestershire slow bowler well. When, however, the matters county all their own way. Mr. E.

Marriott was went in to bat, Palmer and Spofforth had in for some time, and was dismissed by a brilliant catch, otherwise the batsmen were completely disorganised, after an hour and twenty minutes batting, were and, out. ScoreAUSTRALIANS. LEICESTERSHIRE, Massie, Bottimore, W. Crofts, Parnham Bannerman, st Crofts. Lord Ourson.

22 Palmer 8pofforth. Murdoch, Parnbam Rylott, Marriott, 0 Palmer, 17 Wheeler, Parnham Spofforth M' Donnell, o' Wheeler, G. S. Marriott, 500 J. Turner, Palmer Moran, Parnham Parn- Parnham, Spofforth Massie, ham Bonnor, Curzon, Warren, st Blackham, Blackham, not out.

Palmer Gliten, and Thompson, Palmer Palmer, Rylott Rylott, 0 Bannerman, Spofforth, Parnham at Crofts, 16 Bottimore, Spofforth not out ou Garrett, Rylott, Parnham Extras Extras 8 Total 47 The Australians in their Parnham, second M' innings Donnell, scored not out, -Banner- 6d. man, Warren, extras, 2. Total, 8. BOWLING ANALYSIS. AUSTRALIANS--FIRST INNINGS, Parham ......43 3..13..68..9 9..24..5 Palmer INNINGS 17..


-The School Board are prepared to receive TENDERS for the of the MATERIAL in House and Fence Wall in Queensland Edgehill. To be taken down in accordance tion, which can be seen at the offlod of the Architect to the Board, Mr. T. Mellard Ronde, O. F.R.I.B.A., Canningchambers, 4, South John Liverpool, to whom tenders are to be sent in not later than Monday, 3rd July, 1882.

27Jejy1 10 METAL BROKERS, Ironfounders, and Others -TENDERS are invited for the following SORAP MATERIALS, 50 tons of Iron Rails, about 20 Wrought Iron, about 50 tons of Cast Iron, about 10 tons of Iron Tyres, 3 Steel Tyres, abont 5 tons Fire-bars, about 2 tons of Loco Springs, a quantity of Steel and Iron Wire Rope, a Wroughtiron Tubular Boiler, also an excellent Wrought-fron Tank, containing about 4500 gallons. -for further particulars, conditions of sale, and form of tender, apply to A. 0. Bette, Contractor's Yard, New North Dock Works, Mersey Dock Estate, Liverpool, to whom tenders must be addressed on or before July 4, 1882. The Vendor does not bind himself to accept the highest or any tender.

June 26. 1882. 10 CARPET FACTORS, AUCTIONEERS, and be Disposed of by Tender, the new and well-assorted STOCK of Mr. James Blanche, 10, High-street, Birmingham, in the following 1. Consisting of CARPETS, Floorclotha, Rugs, Mattings, amounting at stock-book prices to £342 118.

2. Consisting of BEDDING, Ticks, Bedsteads, Oretonnes, amounting at stock-book prices to £148 28. 52d. Tenders, marked with the number of the lot, to be addressed to the undersigned and sent in on or before Tuesday next, the 4th July, by one o'clock, at which time they will be opened. The vendors do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any tender.

The stock may be inspected on the premises on application to Lomas, Harrison, and Starkey, chartered accountants, 14, Temple-street, Birmingham. 30 jejy3 To be Sold by Tender. Legal glotices. of BIRCH, Parliament 22nd and 23rd -Pursuant 35, to intituled "An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees," notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any debts, claime, or demands against the estate of JAMES BIRCH, Drury-lane, Water-street, in the city of Liverpool, and of Fairfield, near the said city of Liverpool, corn and commission merchant, deceased (who died on the 2nd day of May, 1882, and whose will was proved in the Liverpool District Registry of the Probate Division of her Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 26th May, 1882, by Frances Carter Birch, John Harvey Evans, and Donald Smith Harper. the exeoutors therein named), are hereby required to send the particulars in writing of their debts, claims, or demands to us, the undersigned, the elioitors for the said executors, on or before the 8th day of July, 1882, after which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said testator amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims, and demands of which they shall then have had notice; and they will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any part debt.

claim, or demand they shall not then have had notice. thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose -Dated this 8th day of June, 1882. BELLRINGER CUNLIFFE. 24. North John Liverpool.

In the High Court of Tustice, Chancery Justice Fry. TN the Matter of the NORTH WALES FREEHOLD COPPER MINES AND SMELTING COMPANY (LIMITED), and in the matter of the Companies Acts, 1862 to creditors of the above-named company are required, on or before the 25th day of July, 1882, to send their names and addresses and the particulars debts or claims, and the names and addresses of their solicitors (if any), to Alfred Cotton Harper, of Billiter-house, Billiter-street, in the city of London, the Official Liquidator of the said company, and, if so required by notice in writing from the said Official Liquidator, are by their solicitors to come in their said debts or claims at the Chambers of the Honourable Mr. Justice Fry, No. 12, Staple-inn, Holborn, in the county of Middlesex, at such time as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved, Wednesday, the 2nd day of August, 1882, at Twelve o'clock at noon, at the said chambers, appointed for hearing and adjudicating 19th upon the debts and claims. day of June, 1882.

WALKER, Chief Clerk. W. W. WYNNE SON, 40, Chancery-lane, London, Agents for Brabner and Court, Liverpool, Solicitors for the Official Liquidator. t127jejy4 Insurance Notices.

THE IMPERIAL COMPANY OF FIRE LONDON. INSURANCE INSTITUTED 1803. CAPITAL £1,600,000: PAID UP £700,000. ANNUAL POLIOLES RENEWABLE ON THE 24TH JUNE. The Insured are informed, for their own security, that there should be renewed within Fifteen days from that date, either through the respective Agents of the Company, when issued through them, or otherwise at the Branch Office, Imperial-buildings, No.

5, Dale-street. HOPKINSON, J. CLIFFORD mwf28jejy7 Resident Secretary. THE LONDON ASSURANCE. Established A.

D. 1720. 7, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. The Total Funds on the 31et December, 1881, exceeded THREE MILLIONS and a QUARTER. The Directors invite applications for Agencies to the Life and Fire Departments.


"Assets on 31st December, 1881 £5.422,545 Income for the year 1891 £469,369 Claims paid to 31st December, 1881. Bonuses hitherto allotted £6,198.991 Expenses of Management, including Commission, about 4 per cent. of income. Rates of Premium reduced. Free travelling limits extended.

Loans granted on security of Policies, Life Interests, and Reversions. Commission allowed to Solicitors and others on Assurances introduced through their agency. Policies effected this year will participate in the Bonus on the 31st December, 1634. Prospectus and Forms of Proposal sent on application to the Actuary. tf19myjy11 UNION.

FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1797.) CHARLES E. BIGNOLD, Secretary. a The Public are respectfully reminded that all Insurances renewable in the LIVERPOOL AGENCY on the 24th day of June must be paid on or before the 9th day of July next, or the Society will cease to be liable for the sums insured. The Policies of this pally extend to cover Losses occasioned by EXPLOSIONS of GAS without extra charge of Premium, In proof of the public confidence in the principles and conduct of this establishment, it will suffice to state that during the year 1880 it Insured £11.600,000 farming stock, and that the total business now exceeds £160,000,000, CHIEF OFFICE OF THE NORTHERN DISTRICT, 27, CASTLE-STREET, LIVERPOOL.

W. H. ANDERS3ON SON, DISTRICT MANAGERS. mwf23jejy7 hotels and Boarding Rouses. THE ROYAL HOTEL, Buxton, will shortly be open.

Has been enlarged, elegantly furnished, and provided with every modern appliance to ensure R. BLADES, Manager. tri8Jej54 opposite the Lighthouse, Brighton, under new management. The comfort of families, carefully cared for. Terms strictly moderate.

ELL MERCER, jely18 Proprietor. LIVERPOOL. TON HOTEL" PORT CHURCH-STREET, One of the Largest and Best-appointed Hotels in England, Highly Recommended. Charges Strictly Moderate. Adjacent to the Railway Termini and River Landing-stage.


HALE. HALE. A THE WELLINGTON HOTEL, HALE. This old-established Hotel is now Managed by Mr. JOSHUA SWIFT, of Liverpool, the Proprietor, and he desires his friends and the public at large to know that he has good accommodation for Plo-nie Parties, Clubs, School Treats, and his oustomers can rely on good Dinners, Teas, There and Refreshmenta, Field for Sports.

Everything A is also a large provided reasonable prices. 24 je30 of at most Apartments Wanted. rate TANTED, at New Brighton-on-the-Hill, one SITTING, ROOMS, or Cottage. Terms moderate and Inclusive. -4, Montpelfer-terrace, Liverpool.

30jejy3 SITTING Liverpool. and State BEDROOM te adjoining WANTED, 58, Mercury-office. 29jej91 sitting and two bed rooms, from 15th to July. -Address, stating terms and particulars, 0 59, Mercury 29 Wanted either in Lancashire COT A DA Young Gentleman dining in town. Address, stating lowest terns.

0 51. Mercury 29jejy1 7 ANTED by alady, a comfortably-furnished PARLOUR and BEDROOM in a respectable neighbourhood. South end preferred. -Address 178, Mercury-office. 28je30 from A ferred, PARTMENTS by Young Wanted Gentleman near in Liverpool, during Farm day.

House Terma premoderate. --J. 18, Globe-street, Walton 28je30 WANTED APARTMENTS, one large or within two 25 minutes' moderate-sized walk of Unfurnished Churchstreet. -Address 45, Meroury-office. 27jely3 Wanted, two, three, or four Rooma Must be in Rev.

H. Mercer, St. Paul's Parsonage, Kirkdale. 24j630 CONE A A Wanted by a Young in of with terms, which must be moderate, 0 42, Meroury-office. 27 jejy5 'APARTMENTS encumbrance, by, in a the quiet Married neighbourhood Couple of Abercromby or Falkner square.

-Address, stating particulars, 93, Mercury-office. 30jej93 OX Gentleman or dining Apartment within Wanted, by a minutes Young of Clifton-park tram. -Address, stating lowest terms, 149, Mercury-office. e30 A Young German who knows French desires to share latter APARTMENTS with an Englishman, with the object of mutual advancement in their respective languagas. Address 29, Meroury-office.

fortnight, one Sitting Tuesday, and two July Bed ROOMS State for terms, a inclusive, which must be moderate. M. Mr. Adam Holden, 48. Church-street, Liverpool.

28j e30 and ANTED, BEDROOM Immediately, Married comfortable Couple; no attendance men required. Terms must be moderate. -Address 173, Mercuryoffice. 28je30 mnwo Sisters in businees and through ROOM the with day attendance, require at Furnished SITTING BED street, a bealthy respectable neighbourhood. -Address.

with terms, May, Ohristian Institute, 149, Islington. 28je30 V7OUNG Gentleman dining south out Wants SITTING ROOM and BEDROOM in or east district, not above two miles from Exchange. Teris 78. to -Address 164, Mercury-office. WANDER: and Do Gentleman and ROOM his in Son, the a neighbour- SITTINGhood of Windsor street, Terms moderate.

-Address 157, Mercury-office. 28j e30 ANTED, on the 10th of July, Furnished APART- street, MENTS in the house of quiet respectable people with children. Ten shillings weekly. -Please address Mr. James, 35.

South-street, Durham. 28jejy4 COUNTRY APARTMENTS. Wanted, Liverpool by side. two Ladies, Mention door, terms, which must be moderate -Address 0 20, Mercuryoffice. 28jejy4 in the neighbourhood of Toxteth-park, A WANTED A PARLOUR and TwO BEDROOMS.

receive a Married Couple with three children. Terms strictly moderate. -Address 0 9, Mercury offloe. 112, Do Clergyman WAR HER desires comfortable Furnished Apartments (two good rooms). Central situation preferred, cooh Would like to be with an Evangelical clergyman.

-Address shore Clericus, 24. Elliot-street. 2910191 Miss OR NEIGHBOURHOOD. Wanted, by a Gentleman, comfortable Sitting and Bed Room. Home comforta essential.

No late dinner. Per- House manency if suitable. -Address, with particulars as to terms, 0 50, Mercury-office, 29jejy1 -Wanted, by a middle-aged Gentleman, in the suburbs, about Aigburth or Broad Green (tormer preferred), a Sitting and Dining 40n. Room, or week. Sitting-room with In Bedrooms Terms, say, per -Address 0 61, walk Mercury-office.

29 ely1 mond, EGREMONT. or whole LISCARD, House, or suitable for neighbour- large TO family, with or without attendance (not less than four bed- pished. rooms), for one or two months Terms must be moderate. Terms Apply by letter E. W.

18, Renshaw-street. A road), ANTED Front bourhood APARTMENTS for Parliament-street Lady out or during Prince's- day. exclusive coal. Cleanliness essential: no other lodgers; quarter good attendance. References exchanged.

-Address 0 28, the Meroury-office. FURNISHED Upper Brighton or APARTMENTS Egremont Wanted, in clean, the airy vicinity bed- of THE rooms and a sitting room -for A permanency, Advertiser supplies own plate and linen. -Reply by letter, stating terme of (which muse be moderate) and all to. Victoria road, New Brighton. Traitord, a A A A Apartments to be Eel.

Apartments 1 to be Cel. PRIVATE Edge-lano. APARTMENTS for Gentleman, -19, 301ej96 Deane- 46, for Engineers BROOK-ROAD, and Officers, Terms Apartments moderate. or Lodgings 28jejy4 6, PEROY-STREET (off Gentlemen. Canning street).

30je196 First-class ROVE room on same floor. -Unfurnished Address 35, Drawing-room Mercury-office. and 28jejy4 PLEASANT. moderate. -Parlour and Bedroom ad- 6, or Bedroom only, 49, Joining.

29jety1 31, near Bedford-street. -Large nwo good Unfurnished ROOMS to be Let, -5, ClevedonSitting-room. one or two Bedrooms 29 jejy5 street, off Park-road. Terms very moderate, 28jejy4 ADY engaged during day can hear of a very comfortable UIET, retired, and convenient country APARTMENTS. HOME, at 122, Harrowby-street, Prince's-road.

29 ejy1 Close to Urquhart Great Meols, Cheshire. off Wood church 27jejy3 -Address 109, Falcon Mercury-office. jety3 57. CHA -Two Gentlemen can be accomApartments, road, modated with a well-furnished Drawing-room and 76, Apartments. Terms moderate.

Prince' 27jejv3 Bedrooms, with use of bath, No children. 29jejy1 Convenient PARLOUR and one or two BEDROOMS 25, Sitting-room PEROY-STREET, with one or two street. -A Bedrooms. A bath, Canning Well-furnished A (Unfurnished). -Apply 14, Melville-place.

in the house. 27jej 93 33, Married Couple PITT-STREET, or two Young Great Men can George's-street. have com- -A ONE or two respectable Young Men Hali-lane. can be accommodated Terma 3s. 6d, each.

30jejy6 washing with included. LODGINGS at 12, Terms 27j 38. ejy3 fortable Lodgings. -Comfortable Lodgings piano for and one bath. or 56.

UPPER or Gentlemen Terms two moderate. respectable Young use 30jejy6 have comfortable Lodgings, 3s, 64. each. Also Sitting 94, and Red Room combined. 27je1y3 26, sitting-room, First-class and three Apartments: bed- ONE or Two Gentlemen, well-furnished SITTING Together drawing-room, separately.

front 30jejy6 BED ROOMS, harmonium or piano, pleasantly rooms. or the situated. 6a. 61. each.

-8, Gladatone-rond. Edgehill, 27jej H' -Bee reference list, Mercury- COMFORTABLE LODGINGS for two respectable young Superior Apartments in of a family. parlour, Terms 4s. 6d. per week.

office. children. -16, Caird-street, West Derby-rond. 27 jefy3 CIROUS (NEAR). combined.

-Very large Apartment. comfort- ST. and comfortable. -3, Winter-street, Lowhill. 30jejy3 Moderate terms.

Apartments 27 jejy3 Bad and Sitting Room Very 18, able for Gentlemen or Married Comple. NEW from ferry. BRIGHTON. Sea view. -Furnished Terms Apartments, moderate.

five -Apply minutes No. or Lodgings in a well-furnished House of private 12, Wellington-road. 301 j96 -Address family, A In 90, good Mercury-office. neighbourhood; close to tram and rail. THE Comfortable furnished Sitting -Address and Mrs.

-STREET, -To be Let, Bed Rooms to be Let. Terms moderate. 15, Parlout and one or two Bedrooms in house of widow Dixon, Post-officepSawrey, Ambleside. 20jejy6 lady; no children. 24je30 TALE OF Bedroom and Sitting- -Ad- YEW BRIGHTON.

TwO or three Gentlemen can hare dress room to Young be Let, Hughes, 20, overlooking Castle-stroet, Ruthin. Apartments, with use of bath, piano, at No. a pleasant garden. Mrs. Denbigh-terrace.

Egerton-street. A Gentleman BEDROOM can in have the very comfortable No other NEATLY Furnished SITTING and BED ROOMS; PARLOUR and -46, Janet-street, house of Gladstone-road. a quiet family. 30jejy3 10s. per week.

-139, Walton-lane, opposite Stanley Park. 27jejv3 TWO BEDROOMS and a SITTING-ROOM to Lot, MULGRAVE STREET. -Superior Apartments, 107, Paddington. Very convenient, Tram passes door. 24, dining-room with one or two bedrooms.

Terms Terms reasonable. 30jej 96 moderate. 27 jejy3 TWO or three respectable Young Men can have comfortable A Elderly Lady has a SITTING and two BED ROOMS LODGINGS or Apartments. -32, Moon-street, Pembroke- for a Married Couple, or two Young Ladies in business place. 30jejy6 all day.

No family or other lodgers. -60, Alt-street. 27jsly3 Comfortable HOME for one or two Young Ladies or be Let, a pleasant Front furnished. 58. A Gentleman in businesa, Piano.

No children. 22, To week. Back Parlour, ditto. 48. 6d.

week. -27, Seldon-street. Kensington. -Comfortable 301ejy3 Home Almond-street. Upper Parliament-street.

2710193 per 11, MOUNT Young Gentleman Rodney-street in house of a Widow Lady. 143, for one CANNING or two STREET. gentlemen. -Comfortable Piano if required. Apartments Piano.

Terms Inclusive 168 per week. 30jej96 children or other lodgers. 27jej y3 PRINCES a private family Apartments without for one children, or two and Gentle- with 145, the one floor. or Plano two home comforts; piano, bath. --44.

Jermyn-street. 30jeiy6 If requfred. Terms moderate. Bedrooms, and bathroom on same Healthy and APARTMENTS, pleasant 11, position. I July-road, No Lower chil- BOOTEE COD or Apartments two or Gentlemen Lodgings; can have bath.

comfortable Terms dren or other lodgers. Terms moderate. moderate. -21, Bedford-road. 27 jejy3 conveniences.

-Apply overlooking to A. Golf Haswell, Links. All sta- 69, PRESCOT-STREET-One or two Young Men can modern 28jej94 have comfortable Lodgings, kc. Terms moderate. tioner, Hoylake.

and Bed- 27101y3 NEW Terms be moderate. Let, Sitting-room Hillside- villa, two respectable Young or Married room. very Egremont. Apply 23jejy4 Couple. Comfortable home.

No children. Facing Fort-street, Magazine Park, near -23, co*ckburn-street, Toxteth-park. 26jejy1 -Two good Rooms, suitable for young TORTH WALES. -Comfortable Apartments; detached Pleasantly Holt-hill, situated. Tranmere.

Every con- house in extensive gardens and healthy situation.venience.• No Apply Mrs, Billis, Pantasaph Tollbar, Holywell. 24je30 37, Young Men can be STREET. accommodated Lalington. with -One comfortable 46, Lodgings CROWN-STREET. for two Young Men.

Comfortable Terms and moderate. respectable Lodgings use of sitting-room. Terms moderate. 28jejy4 26jejy1 ON two and use Gentlemen of can Sitting-room. have Double Terms or 68.

Single BED- comfortable Home. or two No children. respectable -60, Men Walnut have 54. Upper Stanhope-street. 28jejy4 Mount-pleasant.

26jejy1 A Widow respectable wishes to Gentlemen Let at APARTMENTS 146, Boiler to one or West two 149, AMEN with either A one or well-furnished two good Front bedDerby-road. No Incumbrance. furnished. 27 jejy3 for rooms, bath, No children or other lodgers. 26jejy1 be Let.

a pleasant Front ROOM, partly ENTLEMAN to join another in well-furnished front 8 Single Person. Quiet family. No children. -Apply APARTMENTS, pleasantly situated. Good attendFarnworth-street, Kensington.

27jefy3 Cairns-street. Prince's-rosd. 26jeJy1 A DRA and two at 5, BEDROOMS to Mortimer-terrace, be Let in respectable Young Men can have comfortable small family. Birkenhead. -Apply 27 jej93 LODGINGS with use of Parlour.

Terms 3s. 6d. per Hamilton-equare, week. --32. Anthony-street, Rose-vale, Everton.

28jejy4 TADY has whose PARLOUR husband and is away BEDROOM from home a great furnished deal, or 35. Everton. A. Married Couple part can have comfortable Apartments; Young unfurnished. -2, Cedar-grove, Lodge-lane.

27Jejy3 Ladies: with use of piano. Terms 6s. per week. 28jej y4 15, for two respectable STREET Men at 3s. 6d.

per Lodgings DEFTON can meet with a' Lady comfortable or Gentleman Bedroom, dining in use town Sitting and washing included. Sitting-room and Bath, -Apply 68, street. 10, ront Parlour or Drawing- ROOK Apartments for a Gentleman. Terms room, with one or two Terms Bedrooms: moderate. good 27 bathroom.

64. or use of Parlour, with small Bedroom, Suitable for two gentlemen. Jejy3 7a. New Chester-rond. 29jejy5 or two Gentlemen can have comfortable APART- APARTMENTS or Partial Board in the ONE at 9, Preston-grove, opposite Newsham Park.

house of widow lady. --18, Upper Terms moderate. 27jejy3 opposite The Mount. Parliament 29jejv5 16, A with piano, and Back PARLOUR and BEDROOM, had at this address. Moderate and inclusive.

27 jejy3 Everton. 29jejy5 one or two Bedrooms, comfortably furnished, may be together or separately. --155, Breckfeld-road North, WALES and at a Villa. pleasantly use Parlour, for respectable young man. 48.: situated, not far from Ogwen Idwal Lakes.

-Apply two friends, 7s. week. Clean, comfortable. No children. at 89, High-street, Bethesda.

26je198 -12, Rpworth-street, Prescot-street. 29jejy5 can have well-furniehed Apart- 68. PRE WEEK. -Comfortable Home: good Bedroom, ments in small family, Withens-lane. close to tram.

Terma 10a, 24je30 6d with use of Parlour. Piano, --3, Fitzclarence-street, 7, Clifton-terrace, off Show street. 29jejx5 A PARLOUR and at BEDROOM Alfred-street, to be Let, off or Great one Double mwo respectable Young Men can have comfortable -Apply 15, George- LODGINGS. Terms moderate. No children.

Bath, street. 24,030 -Apply 172, High Park-street, Prince's-road. 29 ej95 BIRKENHEAD comfortably PARK furnished. -Sitting-room -Grand with one or Entrance, two H' for CLIFF, few weeks. Heleby -Address Comfortable Postoffice, Rooms Helsby.

to be (Hill Let a North Lodge, Cliff.) 29 jejy5 DEFTON PARK, grove. private -Superior Apartments A -Two Bedrooms, large Sitting room, with for one or Address 19, Gentlemen Mercury-office. in a family. 26jejy1 Terms piano. Terms 128.

per week, Good cooking if required. moderate. -At 101, Claughton-road, Birkenhead. 29jejy5 A Captain's Widow Company wishes chief object. -114, LODGER.

Granton-road, Terms 80, fortable Bedroom, with use of parlour. -Olean Terms, com- one Breckfield-road N. 26jejy1 or two 34. 6d. each.

29jejy5 CHESTER. CHESTER. Apartments to be Let, the most COMFORTABLE FURNISHED PARLOUR and BEDconvenient and pleasantest part of Mrs. at 33, Westbourne-street. Terms moderate.

Fernyhough. 9, Grosvenor-park. 27 29jejv1 47, room. DERBY piano. House of a widow room lady.

and Suit- Bed- ROOM and can BEDROOM he on accommodated the same with floor. SITTING- Terms able for two gentlemen or lady and gentleman. 27jejy3 mo lerate -Apply 200, Mount-pleasant. 20jeiy5 A Gentleman can PARLOUR be and accommodated BEDROOM; with a piano. comfortable Terms Gentleman can PARK be GATES, accommodated 42, with Parlour and Youn? Bedmoderate.

-Apply 36, Foxhill-street, Prince's-road. 241630 room; bath and piano. Terms 9s. per week. 29jejy5 APARTMENTS in of Beacombe Farmhouse Ferry.

to be Let, Pleasantly within situated. ten GRE HON Room, Nicer furnished Terms Parlor 128. and per double-Apply Samuel Broome, Oakdale Farm, Seacombe. 24je31 Addrass Mrs. E.

Parry. 29jejy1 BOARD and country. RESIDENCE, Twenty minutes private from or otherwise. Exchange. -Mrs.

Quite ON No OT two children, Young Men Terms can 3s, have 6d. -4, comfortable Haliburton-street, LODGINGS. off Huddlestone, Kirkby, Liverpool. 8jejy5 Park-road. 29jej35 RESPECTABLE Landseer-road, LODGINGS Everton.

for one or Terms two Young moderate. Men 10 be Let, a comfortably-furnished SITTING ROOM and References required. 26jejy1 Upper Parliament-stroet). 29jejy5 bath, -Apply 11, Normanby-street (off ON FO RE two Gentlemen APARTMENTS. can be Terms accommodated moderate.

with Apply com- A PARTMENTS, 24, -Sitting-room, with one or two Bedrooms if required. No children or other 75. Woodville-terrace. 26jefy1 lodgers. 29jejy1 GROVE or more Bedrooms; Well-furnished every Sitting accommodation; rooms, NEW BRIGHTON.

Apartmente for a Gentleman. Home moderate. comforts. Bathroom. Thorough cleanliness.

Partial 93, no children; terms 26Jejy1 hoard if required. -2, South-view, Exerton-street. 29jejy5 FURNISHED APARTMENTS, Terms suitable moderate for a XTON. or Gentleman can have well-furnished couple, in a family Park-road, three. 20jej93 APARTMENTS in the house of a gentleman.

No of -Apply at 22, Dombey-street, children or lodgers. -Address 0 2, Mercury-office. 28je30 BLACK PO Read's ME Baths, Elwess, Victoria Leeds Hotel, House, and South-beach, Central city, near Walton HOME Junction. for a Terms Gentleman 17s. 6d.

dining in week. the sea view between the piers. 19 ejy1 -Address per Station. Magnificent 151, Mercurs-office. 28jejy4 SUPERIOR Country sitting and bed APARTMENTS for Single Gentle- SITTING-ROOM and BEDROOM: also DRAWINGman; Woolton-road, front Garston, olose to G.

room. L. station. Hawthorne Good references. Cottage, ROOM and BEDROOM on the same floor.

No children. 30jejy6 Good cooking and attendance. -30, Wesley-street. 28jejy4 30, for Apart- Good schools. -Apply or address Mrs.

West, 20, BrightonA HOME In Devon for a First-class Widow with limited means. Birkenhead family. ments, The house suitable is semi-detached, or with ladies, bath, gentlemen, garden, or terrace, Park-place. 27 jejs3 two Respectable neighbourhood. Piano if required.

291efy5 WORTH ments, or WALES whole House Barmouth. to be Let: full -Well-furnished view of Apart58, Apartments, ROAD. cheerfully Everton. situated, Very convenient to comfortable 'bus, tains and bay. -Address and 96.

respectable Mercury-office. APARTMENTS 28Jejy4 (with for one or two Gentlemen. Modern piano. Moderate 29jejy5 terms. COMFORTABLE bedrooms), in the house of a widow.

Terms Country A near Liandadno: FORTABLE -Apply 25, Lloyd-street, APARTMENTS Everton-rond. 28jejy4 two Sitting-rooms and three or four Bedrooms; very CO In Tranmere Park for TORTIF pleasantly situated. -Apply Alexandra House, 1, Glod- 0 Young Gentleman. Terms strictly moderate.daeth-crescent, Llandudno. 29jejy1 Address 14.

Mercury-office. 28 je30 KIMBERLEY-STREET, Upper Parliament street, DRINCES-ROAD. married -Furnished bath, 'Sitting Room and. Bed21, near -A gentleman dining in the city room 6d. for couple; ko.

No children. can have very comfortable Rooms in the house of a widow Terms 7s. per week. 89, 28jejy4 lady. 151, QUEEN Gentleman can meet with Widow (alone) can accommodate a Female with LODG- and comfortable Parlour and Bed at the A INGS or Apartments.

Would suit a person with a above address. Terms 7e, per week clear. 28jej94 business. Reference required. -58, Lavan-street, West LA ARGE DRAWING-ROOM and Two or Three BEDDerby-road.

29jejy1 ROOMS. Good bath. -39, Bedford-street, Aber rombySOUTHPORT. -21, Derby-road. -To be Let, Sitting-room, square.

28jejy4 with one or more Bedrooms, with use of piano; bath and Front SITTING-ROOM and two BEDw.o, Children not objected to. Good playground. Near ROOMS; bath, Reference given. -5, Coltart-road, station and promenade. 291e191 Kingsley-road, Prince's-gate.

28jefy4 near Chester. -Apartments in this charming 8. PER furnished Front Room as village. Good modern house in elevated position. Bed and Sitting Roon.

Two or married couple One parlour, two bedrooms, garden, 10s. per week, 52, Horsley-street, Hall-lane 28jejy4 Seward, 14, Titheborn-street. 29jejy5 7, London-road. -Bedroom, with or GUN can have well-furnished APARTMENTS without use of Parlour; piano. Terms strictly moderate.

family. No other lodgers. Three minutes' Ring the bell. 28je30 walk from 'bus. Terms moderate.

44, Poplar-road, Oxton. ONE or two respectable Young Men can have comfortable 29 with a widow. Only two in family. -20, DOCK genteel Home offered to Lady, Gliroy-road, Boaler-street. 28jej94 153.

weekly: children. or Young References Lady of exchanged. neglected -Address education 0 6, TEW BRIGHTON. Superior Apartments, pleasantly reocived, or situated detached Villa, shore frontage. Boat four Mercury-office.

28jejy4 minutes' walk. West Bank. Terms moderate. 25jejy4 WELL FURNISHED APARTMENTS facing for single gentle- A Respectable, Young Man can have a Furnished PAR17s. man, 6d.

per week neighbourhood inclusive. -Address Newsham 169, Mercury- Park. LOUR and BEDROOM, with attendance, 5a per week. Terms 28jejy4 -No. 12, Odsey-street, Needham-road, Kensington.

26jejy4 office. well-furnished 91. BEDFORD STREFT SOUTH. Well furnished APARTMENTS within Comfortable minutes' and walk of Chats- Drawing-room, with one or two Bedrooms. Bath, worth Park.

-Apply Mrs. Prime, Ratcliffe House, Baslow, Good cooking. 27jejy3 Cheaterfield. ROC FERRY. Five minutes' walk Comfortably-furnished from Terms Parlour and near -Comfortable suitable for terry, Apartments, one week.

-17, Lilly street, off Mersey-road, Rock Ferry. per or two Eight Gentlemen. minutes' walk Use from ferry. --15, West Seacombe- if re- -113, Kingsley-road -A Widow of piano and harmonium quired. 28jej 94 offers well-furnished Drawing or Dining Room, with Lady terrace.

piano; bath, Home comforts. TO Two Bedrooms. --An Good excellent attendance. Most Par- Birkenhead. -A Front 27jejy3 lour and No children, -87, Upper Stanhope-street.

or Sitting-room with one Drawing-room terms. or more Bedrooms. Apply at moderate 281630 No. 26. 24je30 Lady, living alone in a pleasant part of Birkenhead, room.

Very clean -Two and large Rooms, Parlour and Vine-street, Bedwishes to Let part of HOUSE, and be glad to meet with a quiet family. -Address 0 12, Mercury-office. A 27 jejy3 -Respectable Apart- --Apply the occupants of two Bedrooms as 28jejy4 APARTMENTS. be Let, Dining-room, one or two 182, TUNNEL suitable for two -gentlemen or ladies or Boarders. 25, Prospect-vale, Fairfield, 26jejy1 newly-married couple.

Healthy locality. Terms moderate. 24j Large comfortable Front SITTING-ROOM and BED- To be Sold, ROOM, in a pleasant locality. No other lodgera. (76e piano Hampden-street If required.

(off Terms Church-road), Higher -Mona Tranmere. Villa (41), I EVESON'8 £7 7a. 1 Ilkley COUCH, quite new. Price es. ROAD.

-2, Churchill street. Wanted, a of FIREWOOD, at 158. to -Address 145, Mercury -office. Gentleman to join another in nice Apartments: sepa- A 68. Oswald-street, per Old ton.

-Apply 27 jejy3 Mr. bedrooms, piano, bath, in house widow lady. No children. 28jej be Sold, A SHARE in the Atheneum Newsroom. APARTMENTS in Address 28, Mercury-office.

26jejy1 Terms moderate. -Apply at 114, Well-lane, Higher Tranmere. 26jejy1 Farm House. Suitable for a Lady and Gentleman. CLEAN DRIPPING on Sale, at Cobham's, Bear's Paw, 53, 127 jejy3 AWN MOWER (Green's patent), 18-inch, with grass box, DLEASANTLY SITUATED -One or two Rooms below for Clifford-street, 508.

-Apply Talington. at Devonport's cabinet works, 24, and two or three above. Near railway station. Terms moderate. -J.

Phoenix, Alyn House, Gwersyllt, Wrexham. 2000It of good Second-hand SASHES, 27jejy3 about 4-6 square, to be Sold cheap. B. and NO day Young can Ladies have or comfortable Gentlemen 44, L. Maniaty-lane.

VAN GRUISEN 80 30jej96 at Apartments, piano, during Terms the Chapel- N. PIANOFORTES, AMERICAN ORGANS, AND place. 27 jejv3 HARMONIUMS, EAR NEW BRIGHTON. -Holland-road. 27 AND 29.

BOLD-STREET. LIVERPOOL. 271ej93 Most comfortable Apartments, pleasantly Bitting situated, and three two doors or N. L. VAN GRUISEN SON'S PIANO by Erard; Bedrooms, bath, burr walnut, panel front.

gold incised, trichord, beach. 26jejy1 patent check action. Price £37; worth 60 gulneas. 27j 193 Comfortable for and one or well-furnished two Gentlemen Apart- N. (upright grand); GRUISEN full trichord, SON'S oblique, PIANO by studs, Erard iron ments KIRBY.

dining in town; a few minutes' walk of H. bracings. Very large discount off usual price. 27jejy3 Heazell, 66, London-road, or Belvidere, West Kirby. 26Jejy1 N.

VAN GROISEN SON'S Drawing-room Grand -Comfortable Sitting- rosewood. by Erard Very large complete discount iron off frame, usual full trichord, room and one or two Bedrooms; good cooking, convenient to rail and 'bus. --2, Cressington-park. 271ej y3 no ebony or price. family; 26jejy1 SON'S PIANO, by Collard N.L Collard; trichord, handsome rosewood case, panel and or BEDROOM for Gentleman SITTING-ROOM of quiet and habits good and Front dining fret front.

Price £32 worth 55 guineas. --27 and 29. Boldor other -16, street. 27 jejy3 town. Bath, No children lodgers.

261ejy1 VAN GRUISEN SONS PIANO, by Collard and Catharine-street. Collard magnificent burr walnut case, Bath desk, COMFORTABLE attendance, APARTMENTS Bath. for No one children. or two Gentle- Highly early English, full GRUISEN trichord. Very SON'S low price for Drawing-room cash.

27 Grand recommended by late Aubrey-street, Everton. N. PIANO by Collard and Collard, ebons and gold, iron 26jejy1 frame, cross strung. Very large reduction from usual price. WALES.

Apartments (Furnished) near 27jejy3 the railway station, 50 yards from the sea; good N. L. VAN GRUISEN SON'S PIANO, by Broadwood, attendance, cooking, and every home comfort. Terms burr walnut, trichord, check action, brass studs. moderate.

-Address L. 29, Queen-street. Rhyl 19jejy1 Price £52: worth 70 guineas. -27 and 29, Bold-street. 27 looking over N.

L. VAN GRUISEN SON'S PIANO by Broadwood, 26, SAND ON with one or two Bedrooms; the English full case. trichord, Very large every discount recent improvement, with early furnished or unfurnished. References exchanzed. 27jety3 27 Jejy3 N.

L. VAN GROISEN SON'S Drawing-room Grand and Bed Rooms by Broad wood, burr walnut case, iron frame, SITTING and floor. BED Bath, ROOMS: good also cooking Drawing and attendance. No full street. trichord.

Very low price for and 27jejy3 Boldchildren or other lodgers. -89, Berkley-street, Prince's-road. GRUISEN SON'S PIANO 241 e30 N. VAN by Bluthner, full trichord, iron frame, silver plates. ebony and XFORD-STREET.

and Bed 66, Vine-street. suitable for two Well-furnished gentle- gold or walnut, splendid touch and tone. Very 27 Drawing large rooms Terms N. L. VAN GRUISEN SON'S Drawing Grand or lady and gentleman.

comforts. 145. PIANO by Bluthner, cross-strung, iron frame, ebony Home weekly. Piano. 23jejy4 and gold or walnut, beautiful quality.

Very SEASIDE LODGINGS. Commodious Bold-street. 27 jejy3 Apartments near the station, with every home comfort, N. L. VAN GRUISEN SON'S PIANO by Knake (Munreasonable Mrs.

Smith, 43, Hawesside- ster), fron frame, cross-strung, ebony and gold or Southport. 24je30 walnut, wonderful sustaining power. Very cheap. 27 two Bedrooms. Hot and cold water.

Rent very low. N. frame. cross-strung, ebony and gold or walnut, perFront and Back Parlours, with GRUISEN SON'S PIANO by Bechstein, iron Together or separate. --14, Canterbury-street (Ialington end).

fect touch and tone. Very low price for cash. INSTRUMENTS RETURNED FROM HIRE. Apartments, or to be See below. 77 Let, OF House and Garden, stable, coach-house.

Five L. VAN GRUISEN BON'8 PIANO, handsome walk station. Mrs. Davies, Tan-lian-Llanfair, wood osse, panel front, excellent tone, full compass. Ruthin.

£13; worth 20 guineas. -27-9, Bold-street. 271eJ y3 FURNISHED kitchen PARLOUR and all and necessary utensils, to 4, Dell- Let, N. six octaves, rosewood case, in perfect order. Price BEDROOM be L.

VAN GRUISEN SON'S PIANO by Broad wood, Holt-road, Kensington, close to Botanic Gardens. cheap at Bold-street. 27jejy3 241e.30 N. L. VAN GRUISEN SONS.

-PIANO, by Collard and Collard, short compass Excellent HandFURNISHED APARTMENTS for Captains and others some mahogany case. £13; great bargain. -27-9, Bold-street, F. Schroeder, 100, Derby-road, omnibus Bootle, nenr the 27 jejy3 Alexandra and trains and and Langton tramcars Docks. within Olty five minutes' walk.

passes N. L. VAN GRUISEN PIANO, rosewood 26jejy1 case, excellent touch and tone perfect order. £11 worth Bold-street. 27jejy3 Lady and Gentleman residing in country house at N.

L. VAN GRUISEN SONS. -PIANO, by Bord, Wavertree (close to tram terminus) would be glad to chord, check action, panel front. Equal to new. a Married Couple or two Ladies comforts.

an -Address BOARDERS. Price E14 10a. -27-9, Bold-street. 22 jejy3 hour Mercury-office. half past six, Home 30jejy6 0 N.

VAN GRUISEN SON'S. -PIANO by Oetzmann, full compass, handsome rosewood case, in perfect order. and two BEDROOMS (one being a double 814, worth 20gs. -27-9, Bold-street. 27 jejya bedded room) in a farmhouse; beautiful view of Coed- N.

VAN GRUISEN SON'S -PIANO, by Collard grounds, and a dahing river close by two miles from and Collard. 7 octaves, trichord, handsome rosewood and station; having a pony and to case. Price £30, worth 50gs. -27-9, Bold-street. 27jejy3 Davies, Oofn Farm, Llysfaen, Abergele.

29jejy1 N. VAN GRUISEN SON'S. PIANO, by Collard Lady having a larger house than she re- and Collard, Great full compass, trichord, Bold-street. desk front, 27 equal to quires, has a BITTING and Double-bedded ROOM. new.

£28. bargain. -27-9, jejy3 large and retired, Terms facing moderate. the river (gardens), Lowry-back, three N. PIANO, Erard, minutes' from ferry.

-1, off patent check action, trichord, rosewood full comMersey-street. 27 jojy3 pass. £20. -27-9, Rold-street, 27 jefy3 THE VALE OF LLANGOLLEN. To be Let, Furnish N.

L. VAN GRUISEN SONS -PIANO. by BroadApartments at Pengwern Hall, delightfully situated full trichord, patent cheek action, brass studs: the country, and strictly private; within fifteen minutes' finest burr walnut case. £48; recently cost 90 guineas; of the town of -Apply to Thomas Ham- equal to now. -27-8, Bold-street.

27 jej93 Pengwern Hall, Llangollen. N. L. VAN GRUISEN SONS. -American ORGAN, by MEMBERS OF YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN AB- Smith Boston; four sets of reeds, knee swells; beautiful Home, handsomely fur- Bold-street.

275ejy4 Piano. Every comfort. With private family. N. VAN GRUISEN SON'S American ORGAN, by 8s.

per week for one, or 12s. 6d. for two -Address Smith eleven stops, including snb-bass: Mercury-office. eight octaves, coupler. Price £15.

Nearly new. 27jej93 bed rooms in dining, -situated and Villa or within N. by Smith Boston patent Venetian swells: most two three L. VAN GRUISEN SON'S Connoisseur" ORGAN, a of a mile of Mold station and Fine fishing in perfect instrument made. Nearly new.

£40. 27jejy3 neighbourhood. Terms moderate. -Address A. B.

JOINERS and Others. -To be Bold, about 2000 square and Beresford and Bon Mold. 20jejy 10 feet of clean PARTITIONING, planed DOORS. stained, suitable for offices; also ten new Panelled COTTAGE, Trafford, three --To be Let, four Dining Bedrooms and Draw- -Apply to Mr. 8.

White, 20, Mount-pleasant. 26je191 ing Rooms, with or well furnished; beautifully situated; thoroughly healthy. Use A BERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS, from £5, piano, Four miles from Chester and from Mickle carriage paid. Inscriptions accurate and beautiful. and Dunham stations, -Apply A.

the Cottage, -Plans And prices from J. W. Loggo, Soulptor, Aberdeen, Chester, 2710173 1myau19 I I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 hour GENTLEMEN V. stopped play for an and ten minutes, at Kennington Oval, London, and the first day's play in the Gentlemen v. Players certainly passed off very tamely.

Even after the rain the weather was by no means seasonable, and during the last hour or so the light was wretchedly bad. Both elevens are remarkably strong, however, and no doubt some first-rate orioket will be shown before the match is over. Flowers made a successful first appearance for the Players, his well-hit and steadily-played innings of 33 being the highest score of the day. When the Gentlemen went in Mr. A.

P. Lucas showed fine defence against capital bowling. ScorePLAYERS. Ulyett, Studd, bRother- Flowers, st Tyleoote, ham 22 Studd 33 Barlow, lbw, Steel Pilling, o' Steel, RotherBarnes, Steele. ham Bates, Lucas, Steel 20 Hill, Harris, Studd Lockwood, Tylecote, '6 Peate, lbw, Studd Rotherham Read, Stadd, Steel Midwinter, not out 20 GENTLEMEN.

W. G. Grace, Lockwood, W. P. H.

Lucas, Patterson, a Peate, Bates not W. W. Read, 60 0 T. Studd, Lord Harris, A. G.

Steel, 0. G. H. Leslie, A N. Hornby, F.

8. Tylecote, and H. Rotherham to go in. BOWLING ANALYSIS. PLAYERS -FIRST INNINGS.

o. m. r. W. m.

F. Steel Grace ..12.. 6..23..0 Studd. 6..16..3 ETON V. lovely weather and befora an immense attendance, this match was conoluded on the college meadows at Winohester yesterday.

Eton, who had to follow their innings on the previous day, were all dismissed for 80; consequently Winchester obtained a hollow victory by an innings and 20 runs. The batting of the Etonians throughout was very poor; while the bowling and fielding of the Wykhamites was brilliant throughout. Nicholls proved a most useful man to his side, taking in all 13 wickets at a cost of only 60 runs, and catching three others at short slip. After the match the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. ScoreWINCHESTER.

A. G. Cobb. 19 J. Fuller, Brownlow Pemberton, 46 Saunders Davies, Pemberton, 0 P.

Humphreys, cRichards, F. M. Ingram, Jardine Brownlow 22 H. Ruggles B. F.

Nicholis, cHugessen, G. W. Ricketts, Richards P. M. Swayne, not low 23 Brownlow F.

Montagu, Bray, 18 Brownlow E. R. Halls, 10 Total ............157 ETON. FIRST INNINGS. SECOND INNINGS W.

J. Lucas, Humphrey, Nicholis 0 Brise 13 R. H. Pemberton, Fuller, Nicholla 14 and Nicholla W. F.

Cave, Humphreys, M. H. Nicholls Studd, Nicholls 0 8 Nicholls Nicholls 18 H. W. Rainbridge, 0 Cobb, Nicholls 0 Ricketta, Brise 2 Hon.

0. M. KnatchbullHugessen, Swayne 6 not 19 F. Marchant, Hills, T. A.

Nicholla C. Richards, Nicholla, 8 9 Fuller, Swayne Hon. Bogie J. A. Staith, Brownlow, Nicholls not out 5 1 and Humphrey, Nicholls 11 Nicholls J.

F. Jardine, 0 Ingram, Nicholis 5 Nicholls, Swayne. Extra. 57 Total 80 CHRIST CHURCH, SOUTHPORT, On Monday, a two-nights' ground of the former. The well for the club, and his during the second night's with remarkable pluck for the score BORATOH TEAM.

J. Holt, lbw, 2 H. Williams Bowman, Roberta, 3 F. Smith, Matley W. H.

Aughton, Whitehead, Williams run out 14 2 W. Kay, lbw, Nightingale 20 J. Bullock, 9 T. Holder, Matley, Nightingale J. F.

Harrison, T. Sellers, Williams J. Bowman, not 73 The Scratch Team in their loss of five wickets. AND A SCRATCH TRAM.match commenced on the Rev. H.

A. Williams bowled assistance was greatly missed play. Nightingale also played the club. The following is CHRIST CHURCH. W.

H. Roberta, J. Bowman, Kay F. Walmaley, Sellers, Aughton. L.

Connard, Emith, Aughton. H. Clark, Bullock, Aughton Rev. FL. A.

Williams, Aughton 3 A. Nightingale, Holder, Bullock J. H. Johnson, Bullock Walmsley, Bullock C. Carr, not out A.

Kenworthy, and Bullock 41 second innings scored 34 for the THE IMPROVED SHIRT. "The old order changeth, giving place to new," are words which the Poet Laureate puts into the mouth of his dying hero. Any observer can see how true they are, though it cannot be said that the new is always better. But Howitson and Earsman resolved that their now shirts should be Improved Shirts," and they have innumerable testimonies which prove that their resolution has been achieved. Wearers admit their style perfect, their quality unsurpassed.

Septics may be convinced by one trial that the Improved Shirt is misnomer, even if they have thought perfection had been reached before. HOWITSON EARSMAN, 3 AND 4, RANELAGH (Opposite the Adelphi Hotel), SEE THOMAS'S ONE SHILLING KID GLOVES; WORTH 38. 11D. CAN BE NO MISTAKE ABOUT -MOTHERS who wish to avoid having to REPAIR their Boys' Clothes should REPAIR for all their Clothes to HENOCHSBERG ELLIS, 18 20, IBLINGTON 34, RANELAGH-STREET. DRIELSMA SON, M.

36, CASTLE-STREET. ESTABLISHED 1830. Mr. D. DRIELSMA, surviving partner of the above firm, begs to inform the public that he is now Selling the whole of his STOUK of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELLERY at a discount of 25 per cent.

Government stamped Chains, 18 carat, per ounce; 15 carat, £3 10s. per ounce. All descriptions of Watches and Clocks Manufactured and Repaired. 9jese7 on an Post Card to Lewis's in and ordinary, you will receive, post their most astonishing Lists of Prices for every article Lewis's sell. You can then judge if Lowis's are the friends of the people or not.


VIN SANTE FRUIT CHAMPAGNES. To be had of all chemists, grocers, and wine merchants everywhere; or direct. from the Manufactory, Seel-street, Liverpool. CREAM. -During the Strawberry Dairy and Fruit Limited.

Season, customers' orders for CREAM should be given carly. Sefton and Prince's Parks Dairy, 136, Granby-street. Edgehill and Wavertree Dairy, 147, Tf15je30 BREAD. BREAD. BREAD.

It is estimated that one of KIRKLAND'S MILK BROWN LOAVES contains as much nourishment as 33. 6d. worth 20 of lean beef or 78. 6d. worth of ale.



JORDAN SON, OLD-ESTABLISHED SURGEON DENTISTS 7, FRASER-STREET, ROAD, LIVERPOOL A TOOTH from 38.: SETS, FILLING, 28, Fixed in a few hours. without the extraction of old teeth or stumps. They answer every Life-like function of the natural teeth. Without springs or wires. appearance.

Consultations free from ten a.m. to seven p.m, 26jejy1 BEST ARTIFICIAL TEETH. SINGLE TOOTH from 45. SETS 421. A Pamphlet on the Teeth Gratis.


BIRKENHEAD. FOREIGN BEER MACKIE GLADSTONE, finding a demand has sprung for the Continental Lager Beer, can recommend the up following: CARLSBERG BEER. PILSENER BEER. GERMAN LAGER. VIENNA BEER.

AGENTS MACKIE GLADSTONI, WINE AND SPIRIT MEROHANTS, LIVERPOOL AND BIRKENHEAD. 22apje30 TRS. I want to know where Mr. and Mrs. White's New Shop la, as I have some Wardrobes to dispose of.

Mrs. Why. they are gone opposite to 64, if Hanover-street. standing The best at the direction corner I can of give you is, you are either Church-street or Sign-J. Bold-street, WHITE, and look: up WARDROBE Hanover-street, you will see the Sjejy1 SWEETS All Dealers PASTRY, in able to pay SWEETS Cash, and Should call at AND S.

J. LAW'S STEAM CONFECTIONERY WAREHOUSE, 19, ISLINGTON- FLAGS PASTRY. (Near Lime-street Station). Greatest variety and lowest prices in Liverpool. 11myau9 HUCKABACK TOWELLING, MUCH UNDER USUAL PRICES.

50 Pieces, 24 26 inches inches wide. and and 6jd. 7ad. per per yard. yard.

50 Pieces, 28 inches the ......7 Old d. and Bleach 91. per Linens. A Full Assortment of WAREHOUSES. of FAMILY LINEN RAY MILES, 77.

CHURCH-STREET AND R9 LONDON-ROAD. COPIED FROM 'THE COURT EXPRESS" COCOA EXTRACT in specially adapted to persons of weak digestion, It being prepared from cocoa nibs deprived of the superfluous oll, It de a pure, nourishing, and refreshing beverage. The medical profession express the greatest confidence in its nvigorating powers." MOWERS and REAPERS requiring REPAIRS should now be sent to the Agents, and H. Keyworth and 35, Tarleton-street, Liverpool. tf4a pJe30 LOOKS, with all the newest improvements, Chubb's CHUBB'S PATENT DETECTOR STREET DOOR LATCHES.

Ohubb a RESISTING CASHBOXES, SAFES. all sizer Price Lists sent free and 28, Lord-street, the Chubb's FIRE and THIEF Liyerpool. NOMMERVILLE'S CHAMOMILE certain cure for Indigestion. Stomach and all Liver BITTERS. Complaints, It Clears the and Complexion Tonic.

and 28. 3d. Purifies and the 48. Blood. An excellent Appetiser per bottle.

Sold by Ohernists. 101 ej97 is evident that Camomile is Nature's own Simple and Safe Remedy for Indigestion and all 50 Stomach Complaints, for during the last years CAMOMILE PILLS Have afforded relief to thousands, Sold in Bottles ad 14, 140. 28. ARG. 11a, st NEW SEASON'S TEAS.

1882-1883. In an unprecedentedly quick ocean run of about thirty days or a week less than the fastest time on record -the steamship Stirling Castle has succeeded in considerably shortening the distance between this country and China. Consequently we shall this year be able to give our customers the New Season's TEA much earlier than usual. We are pleased to say that this year's growth is very much superior to last; and hope To-MORROW (SATURDAY), the 1st July, to offer it to the public at Two Shillings per Pound, We shall be glad to forward a sample free on application, DEAR BROTHERS, TEA IMPORTERS, 24, ISLINGTON AND 1, BERRY-STREET. LAWN TENNIS.

Lawn Tennis Bats, full size, 38 11d, 4s 11d, 5a 11d; Lawn Tennis Balls, regulation size and weight, cloth covered, stitched and cemented, 69 6d a dozen Nets, 42 by 4 feet, 5e 11d and 8s 6d; Poles, kc. 48 6d and 68 6d: Complete Seta, in strong boxes, including all requisites, from 278 6d. At the BON MARCH $, IN BASNETT-STREET. ROBE LINCOLN, Patentees and Sole Makers of "ROBEY" FIXED ENGINES, In all sizes, Suitable for all purposes. To be seen at work in every town.


Article for Complete House Furnishing. FURNISH ON Supplied in THE Town HIRE Country. SYSTEM. or FURNISH Prospectus ON and THE Opinions HIRE of the Press. SYSTEM.

FURNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM. FURNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM. WRITE FOR PROSPECTUS AND PRESS OPINIONS TO THE 25 LIVERPOOL 27, FURNISHING BERRY-STREET, COMPANY, AND AND 143 TO 147, ISLINGTON. PENNYROYAL and STEEL PILLS for FEMA LESquickly correct all irregularities and relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex, la 14d. and 2 9d.

of all Chemists Sent a anywhere mpon receipt of stanips, by the maker, E. T. Towle, chemiet ottingham. THE THORNCLIFFE" COOKING RANGE Messrs. NEWTON, CHAMBERS.

Thorneliffe Ironworks, near Sheffield, have patented an apparatus which. they consider the most efficient, simple, and economical ever invented. It consists of a small fire range, open or close at pleasure, having a hot closet on one side, while hot plate for boiling, extends nearly the full width of the fireplace Above the hot plate, at about the level of the eye, are two conveniently large placed sheet-iron for the ovens, cook which to attend are to quickly their heated contents. and Behind the hot plate is a wrought-iron boiler, All flues are made to ascend, hence requiring less draught, and, while they cannot get out of order. can be regulated to the utmost nicety.

Full particulars may be had as above. or at their branch No. 47. Sheffield, and LONDON, NOW REMOVED tO 19, GREAT GEORGESTREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. de31 ducation.

EAMINGTON COLLEGE. Scholarship Examination begins Wednesday, July 19. -For particnlars apply to the Principal. 10a poc7 SEASIDE High-class BOYS' BOARDING SCHOOL. Low inclusive terms.

Scholarships. Headmaster, Rhyl College, North Wales. 8jeauz TPHOLLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL RE-OPENS July 24. Fifteen miles from Liverpool. District hilly and agricultural.

Charges reasonable. -Address Rev. Headmaster, Orrell, via Wigan. 23jejy27 COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, DRIVE. -The MISSES HARDING have VACANCIES for BOARDERS and Dally PUPILS.

Terms and references on application. NEXT QUARTER begins August 1. 22jejy5 PARK, Altrincham.LADIES' SOHOOL, conducted and by Mrs. LOOKER SMITH, assisted by Resident Teachers Eminent NEXT QUARTER will commence Aug. 1, 1882.

A Ladies' first-class School EDUCATION in the and good country Home at offers reduced a terms -240 per annum inclusive. Also to include instruction in English, French, German, Musio, Singing, Drawing, and Painting. -Address J. Messrs. Wroe, Musio Warehouse, Altrincham, Cheshire MADEMOISELLE at Montfleuri, Lausanne, Principal WILL BE IN LIVERPOOL (50, Canning street) from 16th to 30th June, to take back Pupils, and will be glad to communicate with parents wishing to send their daughters to Switzerland.

26myje30 BANK, AUGETON-ROAD, BIRKDALE PARK. Mrs. and Miss SMITH receive a limited number of Young Ladies 88 RESIDENT PUPILS. Visiting Masters. A thorough education combined with comforts of home.

Pupils prepared, when desired, for the local examinations. The NEXT QUARTER will commence (D.V.) August 2. 28 ej96 MESSRS. THOMPSON AUTRAND'S BUSINESS WRITIN G. Daily Lessons in Business Writing, Commercial Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Correspondence, and Languages.

Please Call to examine Style of Writing And Pupils' Genuine Work, to be convinced that Thompson's is the most reliable place to go to for sound Tuition. 3je30 7, SLATER-STREET, BOLD-STREET. (ESTABLISHED 1827 SMART RAPID WRITING, BOOKKEEPING SHORTHAND, ARITHMETIC, GRAMMAR, READING, CORRESPONDENUE, Also FRENCH, GERMAN, and SPANISH, by the most eminent Smart. Native Frofessors. received Ladies receive the attention of Mrs.

Pupils at any hour from Ten a.m. to Nine p.m. Gentlemen prepared for the Civil Service and Law Examinations Proficiency guaranteed. this Terms £1 1s. Professor Establishment Ernest in Smart personconducts his ONLY ACADEMY, 21, CHURCH-STREET, (OPPOSITE 6jejy3 THE CHURCH).

Publications. NOW Uniform with "KERAMIO ART OF JAPAN," Imperial Four Hundred Pages, Illustrations in colours and gold, Bound in cloth, with ornagilt. Price £2 28. net. DEDICATED' BY DIRECT PERMISSION TO HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY THE MIKADO.

MARKS AND SEALS. PART PART IL -ILLUMINATED MS8. AND PRINTED BOOKS. PART -LACQUER, ENAMELS, METAL, WOOD, IVORY, BY JAMES BOWES. Comprising Thirteen Hundred Marks and Seals copied in facsimile, with examples in colours and gold executed by Messrs.

Firmin Didot et Cie, of Paris. The work also con- tains a Grammar of the Marks, brief historical notices of the various Arte of Japan, the Jikkwan and Shi characters, since with those of the Zodiacal also the Year Periods the 14th century, and a Map showing the various seats of manufacture. -HENRY SOTHERAN and 36, Piccadilly, London, and all Booksellers. mwf12jejy5 Pamphlet, Post Free for 3d. in stamps.

EXTRAORDINARY Paralysis, Losa CURES of of Muscular PARA- Power, Debility, Indigestion, by means of HALSE'S GALVANIO APPARATUS. -From Mr. Halse, 40, Addison-road, sington. London. mwf30jejy28 Fourth Edition, Price One Shilling.

LADDER AND PROSTATE DISEASES OURED BY AN ENTIRELY NEW DISCOVERY, WITH DAVID JONES, M.D., Physician to the Hospital (Select) for Women, Bolton House, Clapham road, London. 0. Mitohell and Red Lion Fleet-street, E.0. Excursions. SEACOMBE, RAILWAY.

HOYLAKE, DEESIDE 0 CHEAP HALF-DAY EXCURSIONS TO HOYLAKE AND WEST KIRBY. Every Saturday and Monday (except Bank Holidays), until further dotice, CHEAP HALF-DAY EXOURSION TICKETS will be issued from Birkenhead (Dock Station) to HOYLAKE and WEST KIRBY, by any Train after Twelve noon. RETURN FARES: First Class, 18. 6d. Third Class, 6d.


MENAI STRAITS Twice Daily. See bills. fs in Office Chapel-street, Liverpool. CHEAP SUNDAY EXCURSION TO LLANDUDNO, BANGOR, AND MENAI BRIDGE. The favourite and fast-sailing steamer COLUMBUS will make her usual EXOURSION to above places on SUNDAY NEXT, the 2nd July, and every Sunday during the Summer (weather and circ*mstances permitting).

leaving Prince's Landing Stage at nine in the morning precisely; and will arrive back about nine in the evening the same day. Fares there and back-Llandudno, Bangor and Menal Bridge, 46., including all landing fees except at Bangor. Refreshments of best quality to be had on the board at moderate charges. Tickets to be had on board morning 1 no sailing. 30jejy Contracts.

TRON RIVETS. TENDERS will be received until Two IRON o'clock RIVETS, on Thursday, under a contract July for by the 6th next, for the supply of three years. Manufacturers only will be accepted. Patterns to show the quality of workmanship only may be seen at the Adsquare, W.O.; at the Royal Small Arms Factory, Bagotmiralty Pattern Rooms, 19. Trafalgarstreet.

Birmingham; on and at the to Chamber secretary. of Commerce, Forms of Tender, containing conditions of contract and all Wolverhampton, application the particulars, may be obtained on Director personal of Navy application at Contracts, this office, or by letter addressed Admiralty. JOHN Whitehall, 8. COLLETT, Director of Navy Contracts. Contract Department, 20th June, Admiralty, 1882.

Whitehall, S. W. A TO ELECTRIC LIGHTING COM- two PANIES AND HARBOUR, -The Harbour Commissioners will receive TENDERS for LIGHTING by ELECTRICITY of the DOCKS and portion of the QUAYS at 1882, Limerick, for according a period to of plan three and years, specification from the to be seen at the Office of the Harbour Engi28th August, neer, on and after 1st July next, between the hours of eleven a.m. Tenders to be p.m. sent in under cover, marked on outside and two Tender for Electric Lighting, and addressed Com- the Secretary, Harbour before noon Commissioners.

on Thursday, Chamber 13th July, of 1882. good Copies of the specification and all information may be merce, Limerick," obtained on payment of fee of half in a bonA guinea tide (108. tenders which will be returned to those sending The Commissioners do not bind themselves to accept tia lowest or any one tender. -By order, WILLIAM CARROLL, Secretary, Limerick, June 27, 1892, HAY Apply at Oliva, Eaton-rond, Acres of West First Derby. Crop to be 30jejy6 Sold.Bed• COAL DEALERS -To be Bold for £2, cost 24 18s, nearly Patent COAL SCALES, swing scope platform, wheels.

-321, West Derby-road. 30jety3 DINGER'S SEWING MACHINE, suitable for family or dressmaking. As good as new, Perfect order. bargain. -35A, Park-road.

30jej v6 OR Sale, Arst-class Mahogany DINING-ROOM SUITE, in embossed velvet; and Walnut Suite, in repp. dealers need apply. -Apply at 84, Windsor-street. DORK SHOP FIXTURES, reflectors, cheap, comprising Iron bars capital plain two and bright, brass rods, block, -Apply 209, counter, shelving, gas good Stanley-road. 30jej 6 MUSICAL BOX, rosewood plays casa.

four Li 15s. popular -Beswick, tunes, best 101, quality, Great George-street. 29jeJ95 MUSICAL case, BOX. powerful plays tone. eight Cost popular eight tunes, guineas.

inlaid £2 rose-Beswick, 101, Great George street. 29jedy5 can BOX. plays eight popular tunes, very sweet MUSICAL Winder, glass inside cover. £2 108. A great bargain.

-Boswick, 101, Great George-street, 29jejy5 and USICAL playa eight operatic selections, finest v3 quality. by Nicole Frees, beautiful tone. 29jejy5 101, Great George-street. No MUSICAL BOX, ten popular tunes, elegant inlaid case, quailty, very fine tone, extraordinary bargain. Bewick, 101.

Great George-street. 291ej95 BOX, plays twelve popular tunes, extra large size. inlaid rosewood case, zither attachment: than 101, Great George-street. 29 MUSICAL bells, and twelve castanets: popular elegant tunes, inlaid very case: large half- aize, price. -Reswick, 101, Great George-street.

29jej95 DIANO. Elaborate Walnut Cottaze TRICHORD: been very little used: 18 guineas little more than half value --8. Gladstone-road, 29jejy5 3, WA less than a third it cost; TICKET 508. Very massive. ATCH, Gold, centre-seconds, nesrly new, pledged -Address 0 1, Mercury-office.

JOINERS AND BUILDERS. -A large consignment of Canadian Pine DOORS and MOULDINGS for Sale cheap. -Apply to James Davidson, 21, Stanley-rd. ej DOUBLE hand walnut Percussion wood stock. GUN; By scalp G.

twist Mabury, barrela £3 cost 8 guinens -Apply at No. 72, Erskine-street. 28jejv4 ADY wishes to Dispose of SILVER SERVICE, 80 ounces: coffee-pot, teapot, cream ewer, and sugar basin. Pawned for £20. Offers invited.

-Address 170, Mercuryper office. 28 4 10 be Sold, a SAFE. 2ft 9'n. high, 2ft. 9in.

wide, and 2ft. deep: two cash drawers. Also Foolscap Lotter-copying Press. Both in good condition. -Apply at the Argus PrintNo ine Company, 31, Dale-street, Liverpool.

28jejy4 TOR Sale COUNTER, 10ft. best 8in. by make, 2ft. black and gold, fitted with Hardwood Ebonised drawers, complete. A Briggs and Rowan, joiners, 44.

Mancaty's-lane, 28jejy4 TV A -Keeps Roskell's time. Silver Lever. 178. Cost Gold £9. Almost Pledged for 30s.

Ticket, hinges. Heavy plain cases. ---Address 19, Mercury-office. 28jej94 be Sold, cheap. a Mahogany DINING TABLE, feet long, 4) feet 103, Great George-street.

27jejy3 GAS COOKING STOVES, three quite new, to be Sold 3 and 5, Edgar-street, off Scotland-road. 27 jejy3 AY GRASS, 14 statute acres or thereabouts, first crop, and After Grass, to be Sold. --Apply at Eaton House, Eaton-road, West Derby. 27 jejy3 STRONG 1in. Boards, from 1d.

per foot; 2in. Planks, from 1id. per foot; Scantlings, from id. per -42, Westa moreland-place, opposite Bank. Scotland-rond.

27 be Sold, second hand handsome BILLIARD TABLE (Mawson), full in perfect condition. -Address 198, Mercury-office. 27 jejy3 PIANOFORTE, £12 a most 12s. -On beautiful view at 84, instrument, in Palkner-street, perfeot till ten o'clock, evening. 26 DRIVATE OFFICE DESK.

DESK, An excellent cylinderfronted mahogany pedestal Arst-class make, be Sold, a bargain. -At Solomon's, 6, Richmond-st. 26jejy1 CAPES Two Fire and Thief Proof SAFES by best makers; must be sold cheap to clear them. -At Solomon's. 6, Richmond-street.

26jejy1 WALNUT Cotage maker. Price PIANOFORTE, 16 guineas. full All compass, recent by imWheeler's, Lowhill. 26jejs1 of JOY'S Patent MANGLE, No. 4030, two rollers and one roller, and 5 cwt.

stone balance. -Address 10. Mercury-office. ARGE-SIZE. Brusaela equal to new; al9o Sykes's Hydrometer, in perfect order.

-Addreas 11, Mercury-office. 24je30 10 be Sold, a Self-acting ORGAN, with 22 barrels, playing principally operatic music; originally cost £350 with only six barrels. To save time, the lowest price ie Apply at 29, Russell-street. DERAMBULATORS. -The Cheapest PERAMBULATORS, and best at Tindle BASSIold establishment, 98, Islington (a few doors above Staffordstreet).

231ej v20 MASTER TAILORS. To be Sold, a bargain, splendid SEWING MAOHINE. The Practical Tailor. Been used about a month. -No.

40, Bolton-street, off Copperas-hill. 26jejy1 MORTAR on -To Sale Buildera, at 13, -Superior Preston-street, Ground off Dale-street. MORTAR Also at 59. Commercial-road. 15apjy7 REAFORD BUTTER, Spest quality, can be obtained fresh each day at Grestord Floral Depot, 63, Bold-street.

20jejy3 OWL CORN, superior quality. Also, small Wheat for chickens, at 16s per 240lba. if taken from the warehouse in buyers' sacks -T. El Frean's Corn and Provender Ware house, 9, Back -gorse, bottom of Water-street. 20jej910 BURNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM' ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE OPINIONS OF THE PRESS TO BE THE BEST SYSTEM EVER ADOPTED BY THE PUBLIC.

URNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM, Write for Prospectus and Opinions of the Press. ON THE HIRE SYSTEM. Payment by Periodical Instalmenta BURNISH Single ON Article THE or an Entire HIRE House. SYSTEM. ON THE HIRE SYSTEM.

Erery Article for Complete House Furnishing, FURNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM. Goods Supplied in Town or Country. FURNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM. WRITE PROSPECTUS AND PRESS OPINIONS TO THE LIVERPOOL FURNISHING COMPANY, 25 AND 27, BERRY-STREET, AND 143 TO 147, ISLINGTON. ON Sale, Greenfield a Stack Farm, about close 18 to tons Bromborough Prime Old rallway station.

26jejy1 COTTAGE PIANOFORTE, in walnutwood case; Cost panel seren latest improvements. £24 three months ago. Cash Verulam-street, 76jejy1 PIANO oblique. Will be Collard's; gold for one less of their than best half full the trichord original cost. -Apply at 8, Soho street 26jejy1 TO PUBLICANS, Self-acting ORGAN, plays 50 tunes, massive walnut case, glass doors, marionette figures, and moving panorama.

-Apply to T. Edwards, 24, Wilton-street, St. Anne street. 26jejy1 fine Gold WATCH by Penlington and Hutton for immediate sale. Price ten guineas.

-Apply between ten and twelve in the morning at 16, Great Georgesquare. 26jejy1 FURNITURE FURNITURE! FURNITURE To de Sola. -Miscellaneous. Parties about to Furnish or Renovate their Home should use every care to select where they get VALUE FOR VALUE, AND RELIABLE GOODS ONLY ARE SOLD. HALL'S Guarantee every article they sell, and immediately exchange anything bought and not approved of.

Our only aim is to give every satisfaction to customers, 80 to ensure their recommendation to their friends. OLD FURNITURE EXCHANGED: All orders delivered free in own covered vans by experienced men, and Axed as directed, or packed free and forwarded to any part without risk to purchasers. £10,000 STOCK TO SELECT FROM. HALL'S NEW SECOND FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, 53 AND 5S, BRUNSWICK-ROAD, LIVERPOOL. 27 jejy3 Mahogany SIDEBOARD, 4 feet £4 wide, large silver plate-glass back, and drawers.Hall's.

53 and 55, Brunswick-road. 27 jefy3 GUINEAS -Black and Gold Drawing room CABINET with crimson velvet, enclosed by glass doors. A great harfor display of old china, brio 5 feet wide, lined gain. 53 and 55, Brunswick-road. 27jejy3 35 900 NP of Solid A Mahogany, PURNITURE comprising for 8-foot DINING- telescope dining table on noble supports, 6-foot sideboard with large plate-glass back, pair easy chairs, couch, and six small chairs In best skins.

Well worth 60 53 and 55, Brunswick-road. 27 y3 £6 Second-hand Mahogany SIDEBOARD, Atted with cellaret, trays, plate drawers, high silvered plate-glass back. -Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-road. 27 jejy3 TRARD PIANOFORTE, in beautiful walnutwood case: trichord, check action, very sweet tone; cost 65 guineas now offered for 38 guineas: in every respect equal to new.Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick- road, 27jejv3 24 ROOM FURNITURE, solid comprising Mahogany telescope DINING dining table with extra leaf, sideboard with large silvered back, and all modern fittings, conch, easy and lady's and six sinall chairs, upholstered in leather, and pair of handsome tapestry window curtains. -Hall's.

55, Brunswick-rd. 27jejy3 £10 10s. man Complete Suite upholstered of in hair PARLOUR seating, FURNITURE, comprising four small chairs, one large easy chair, spring-seated sofa or couch, oval centre table, chiffonniere, and window table.Hall's, 53 and 55. Brunswick-road. 27 jeiv3 £9 NITURE, -Complete Suite full-size of solid chest Birch drawers, BEDROOM dressing FUR- table and glass, washstand with marble top, three cane chairs, towel rail, bedstead, and 53, Brunswick-road.

27jejy3 £5 108. Second-band Solid Mahogany duch*eSSE TABLE, WASHSTAND with marble slab, DRESSING TABLE with jewel drawers and glass attached. Worth 8 -Hall's, 53 and 55. Brunswick-road. 27 jeJ93 £6 glass -Second-hand centre door, Mahogany hanging WARDROBE, compartments, with and drawers.

-Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-road 27 je193 10 containing 19 large Birch and four Pedestal jewel DRESSING drawers, large TABLE gises attached; and Washstand with marble top; recently cost 22 53 and 55, Brunswick 27 jejy3 £14 'sure cond hand solid in maroon Mahogany leather, DINING-ROOM comprising pair easy chairs, handsome couch, and six banister-back small chairs. -fiall's, and 55, Brunswick road. 27 jejy3 £3 58. TABLE, -Second-hand with extra Solid leaf. Mahogany Large Ditto, Telescope extending DINING to 8 feet, 53 and 55, Brunswick-road.

27jefy3 £12 108. -Six-foot Mahogany SIDEBOARD, with large silvered plate back, interior with all modern fittings. Cost 53 and S5, Brunswick-rd. 271ef93 16 with extra high Spanish glass back, Mahogany interior ST. fitted with wine bins, plate drawers, sliding trays, ke.

Recent cost 25 guineas. -Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-rd. 27 jej Solid Mahogany SUITE, re-coverta 17 maroon skins: six spoon-back small chairs, cone, pair easieR. 55. Brunswick-road.

27 Jej53 GUINEAS. -Polished Pine BEDROOM HUITE. com prising large chest of drawers, pair dressing tables, iron bedsteads, pair palliasses, three cane chairs, toilet glass, and towel rail. 53 and 55, 27j jody3 20 CHINE comprising handsome couch, pair FURNI- lounge chairs, six small chairs back; in best oval repp, centre table, large chiffonniere, marble slab, large glass gilt pier glass, occasional table, and pair bandsome tapestry curtains. Great bargain.

-Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-road. 27jejy3 Double-gilt PIER GLASS, in excellent condition, 8 feet high, 6 feet wide. Cost 25 guineas, Will be delivered for 12 guineas. Great bargain. -Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-road.

27jefv3 240, Cost BOARD, 80 8 Guineas. feet wide, -Magnificent with brown Dantzic oak Oak panels, SIDE- in every respect equal to new. Was made to order -On view at Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-road. 27jejy3 17 GUINEAS. trays, and two Birch hanging WARDROBE.

compartments, fitted with long glass door; worth £30. Mahogany or walnut same price. -Hall's. Brunswick-road. 27 jejs3 13 ROOM SUITE, Superior upholstered solid in Walnut tapestry, DRAWING.

comprising Princess Beatrice settee, six small chairs, lady's and gent's lounging chairs -Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-rd. 27 £3 4 feet superior wide: best Double-gilt British plate. PIER GLASS, Smaller 5 Ditto, feet 35a. -Hall's. 53 and 55, Brunswick-road.

27jejy3 Walnnt Drawing-room SUITE, recovered £10 1 couch, two easies, and six small chairs ogual to new. 53 Brunswick- road. 27 Jejy3 £5 marble Walnut top, three glass doors, and large handsomely glass inlaid. back Worth £8 108. Mall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-road.

27jejy3 BOOKOABE, 3ft. Gin. wide, 44 suitable for a recess, glazed doors, drawers and boards under -Hail'a, 53 and 55, Brunswick-road. Birch, or Mahogany duch*esse TABLES, 4 feet wide; beautiful Marble-top Washstand Dressing TABLE, with glass attached and numerous jewel drawers. Worth 12 Brunswick-rd.

27 jejy3 £7 155. drawer, fitted Spanish with Mahogany pigeon holes, BOOKCASE, glass folding doors and chiffonniere under. A bargain. -Hall's, 53 and 55. Brunswick 271ejy3 Oak or Mahogany HAT UMBRELLA EL STAR panel in back and glove box.

Larger ditto, marble top, 50a -Hall's, 55, Brunswick 27 ejy3 Mahogany BOOKCASE, 7 feet 17 cod centre, four glazed doors, and good cupboards under, Ditto, 6ft. wide, 15 guineas -Hall's, 53 and 55, 27 jefy3 NEE-HOLE WRITING TABLE, Atted in superior style; locke. nine drawers, lined mahogany, with patent Price 44 guineas. -Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-rd. 27 jejy3 Set seating; Mahogany Easy Parlour Chair, spring CHAIR, seated, covered in handsome Sofa or Couch to match, 503.

Genuine value Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-road. 27jefy3 16 namely, GUINEAS half-tester bedstead Walnut (brass BEDROOM footrail), SUITE: pair siab pallia nses, large chest drawers, pair and duch*esse (marble and glass attached), three chairs, towel rail. Birch or mahogany eame price. -Hall's, 53 and 55, Brunswick-road. 27 jejy3 To get credit or valne for your money system you is NOT must buy where the easy- payment RECOGNISED.

Hall's Buy Prompt Cash, Hall's Hell for Prompt Cash. Hall's Give No Credit. Thus showing the publie we must be the Cheapest House for Guaranteed Furniture in Liverpool. HALL'S NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. 27 jejy3 53 AND 55, BRUNSWICK-ROAD, LIVERPOOL.

To be Sold. DEAco*ck, In good plumage, £1 Bank, New Brighton (by the ferry). RABBIT Miller, HUTOHES. 15. Belvidere, -Three very Princo's superior Park.

ones. -Apply HAS SO Will be MANTEL sold for GLASS. 72 by Elliot-st. 60; best 26jejy1 TOR Sale, 3500 Buff-facing BRICKS at 42a. 64.

Station, per thousand net cash where lying, at Spekeland Eure: Denchar, Venonr, and Co 41, Lord-at. 30je196 BA complete, TABLE, for CUES, BALLS, No and reasonable MARKING- offer refuaed. Must be Sold. Mr. Wallwork, 114, Bold-st for Sale, In good condition, splendid tone; suitable for concert or school rooms.

Price 37. Brunswick-road 30 DIANO. -Must be Sold. -A Seven-octave Oottage PIANO in walnut case, by Ballingall, of London, in good con dition. --35.

Horsley-street, Mount Vernon-street. 29 jety1 WATCH and GUARD. Host-cinna maker LATE £18; pledged for will tako 308. for S4, Mercury-office! 28jejy1 110 be Sold, a bargain, ICE CREAM CART, Freezer, Tub, all complete. No reasonable offer refused -Apply at 12, Park-placo, opposite the Postofice, 29je171 Dreaper.

PIANOFORTE. Also a A HARMONIUM g001-toned in walnut Cottage, case, by with eleven stope, 25 rows of vibrators, and knee swell, for Price-street. Birkenhead. 29jefy5 I A P. THE "LIVER" MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 50 AND 52, CHURCH-STREET, LIVERPOOL.

PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUM9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 28 DIANOFORTE. rosewood CERO, sweet tone, suitable for a beginner. Price only William Lea, The Liver, Church-street, 28jej94 DIANOFORTE, Leautiful by Stead, London: very sweet tone Only Len, The Liver, 50 and 52, Church- 23J e494 DIANOFORTE, handsome walnut case, seven octaves, full fret. very fine instrument. Only £16-William Lea.

The Liver, 50 and 52, Church-street, 28, of y4 DIANETTE, by co*cks and manufactured expressly for the nursery. Solid walnut case. Only £9 William Lea, 50 and 52. Church-street, 28fefy4 PIANOFORTE, In check beautifni action. black Price only incised £17; with worth gold.

£25. -William Lea. The Liver. 28jety4 DIANOFORTE. Collard and Collard, rosewool CA.50, A beautiful sweet tone.

Price only 20 guinea, Lea. The Liver, Church-streot. DIANOFORTE, by Cramer and walnnt case, check action. 20 guineas; usually sold at 30. -William Lea.

The Liver, Church-street, 20jetg4 by Bord, of Paris, trichord, check action, handsome panelled walnut case, incised with gold. Lea, The Liver. 28 jejy4 DIANOPORTE, John Brinamead and Sons, walnut case, fron bars top and bottom. Very superior instrument, 25 guineas, -William Lea, The Liver. 28 je1y4 DIANOFORTE, Brondwood and Sons, trichord, panel front, incised with gold, only £34; usual price 65 guineas.

-William Lea. Collard and Collard, very bandsoine panel front, incised with goid, beautiful tone; £30 only. William Len. DIANOFORTE, John Brinsinead and Sons, walnut case, panel front, iron bars top and bottom: Lea, Liver. Zagetg4 DIANOFORTE, Kirkman, "25 iron frame, overatruna, check full trichord; guinens, worth inuch The Liver.

28 ejy4 RTE, Brond wood and Sons, trichori, check only £17, a great Lea, Tito 11 FORTE, Bord of Paris, oblique, full trichoni, action, iron bars. £23. Recently post The Liver. 28jofy4 DIANOFORTE, Erard (London), full oblique, trichord, action, iron bars. Price only Lea, 50 and 52, Ohurch-street.

26jety4 DIANOFORTE, Neumeyer, double overstrung, tron frame, check action, full trichord, walnut case. Only 425 -William Lea, The Liver. 28jely4 DIANOFORTE, J. walnut, and J. trichord.

Hopkinson, very handsome Price only £23: worth £36. -William Lea, The Liver. 28jefy4 DIANOFORTE. Collard and Collard, bath desk, trichori, very superior instrument: only Lea, The Liver. 50 and 52, Church-street.

23jefy4 DIANOFORTE, Broadwood and Sous. trichord, very handsome panel front. incised with gold; price William Les. 50 and 52, Church street. DIANOFORTE.

Kirkman. black and gold case, overstrung, iron frame, full trichord, and check action: only 432 -William Lea, The Liver, 28jejs4 DIANOFORTE. Neumerer, double overstrung. full trichord, check action, iron frame. Price 026.

William Loa, The Liver. 281 DIANOFORTE, Thach, ebonised case. fron trie chord, check action. £40; usually sold at 65 guineas. William Lea, The Liver, Church-street, 28jej94 DIANOFORTE, Collard and Collard, handsome mottled walnut case, trichord, very superior instrument, Only Lea, The Liver.

28jety4 PIANOFORTE, full John trichord, Brinsmead trusses, and iron Sons, bars. black Only and worth £60. -William Lea, The Liver. 28jejy4 PIANOFORTE, Kaps, used a short thine, nearly equal to new. Price only Lea, The Liver, Church-street.

28jej94 PIANOFORTE. Kaps' patent resonator' full trichord, tron frame, overstrung finest Italian walnutwood. Price only £65; usually sold at 95 guineas. -William Les 28jejy4 PIANOFORTE, Kaps' patent resonator charming drawing-room instrument, rosewood. Only £60; nsually sold at Lea.

PIANOFORTE, Collard and Collard, Aneat Italian walnut trichor1, fron frame; oue of this maker's best Only £65. -Willam Len. 23 ejy4 GRAND new, PIANOFORTE by instrument; Collard and only Collard, in rose Lea, The Liver. 28joty4 including octave coupler, Only 12 ORGAN, Smith and Boston, eight store. guineas.

-William Lea. The Liver. 28jejy4 A MERICAN ORGAN, Mason and Hamlin, knee swell, solid walnut. Only 6 guineas. -William Lea, The Liver, Church-street, 28fefy4 A MURICAN ORGAN.

knee pedal, Bell and very Co. handsome four sets of instrument. reeds, Only 14 guineas: worth donble. 28jejy4 AMERICAN knee ORGAN, handsome Estey, four sets of Only reeds, £15 variety -William of pedals, case. Lea, The Liver, 50 ani' 52, Church-street.

28jejy4 A beautiful telling stops, Smith two and knee pedals. Boston, Only nine £15; usually sold at nearly double. 28jej94 A model, eleven ORGAN. stops, five Smith sets of and reeds, two Boston, knee pedals new Only 20 guineas. William Les, The Liver, 28jejy4 A eight MERICAN stops, ORGAN.

knee Peloubet pedals, and handsome four sets of drawing-room reeds, instrument; 12 guineas. -William Les. 26 0194 A ORGAN. Mason and Hamlin, 13 beautiful stops, two knee pedals, grand drawing-room instrument: £18 10s- William Les. 28jejy4 A usually ORGAN.

sold at £35 Carpenter, and upwards 15 stops -William Price only Leo, the Liver, Church-street. 20 joj: 4 AMERICANO ORGAN, 13 stops, Staith two and knee Co. pedals. (Boston), Only Queer £25; usnally sold at 240 and upwards. 28 jejy4 A MERICAN store, ORGAN.

two knee Boll and pedals, Co: suitable grand a instrument, large church. Only 19 guineas; worth 35. 28jejy4 A noisseur" model, ORGAN, grand Sulth Venetian ant Co. swell, (Boston), capable of pro- Conducing any effect require. Perfectly new.

Only sold by other houses at 280 and upwards. 25jejy4 A MERICAN beantiful stops, Smith six and seta Co. of (Boston), reeds; very "Victoria handsome. Only £27; usual price 45 guinens. 28jejy4 AMERICANO expresaly for Smith church and or Co, chapel Boston, 1186, 12 manufac- stops, grand organ tone.

Only £25, -William Lea 20j0194 A MERICAN of reeds, ORGAN. two Mason knee and pedals, very Hamlin, handsome twelve stops, case. Only Lea, The Liver. 28jej54 BLACK charming andy and Gold effective ORGAN, stops, pipe top. including Bell and sub-bass, octave nine coupler, vox bumana, and rox celeste.

Price only £20 worth double. -William Lea, The Liver, 28 jeis4 A MERICAN drawing-room ORGAN, Dominion 17 stops, Organ endless variety charming of beautiful effects. New solo stops-" Folian." kc. The finest-toned organ made. Price only £40 worth donble.

-William Lea. 28jejy4 by Alexandre, of Paria, solid oak case strong organ-like tone. Price only 43 10s. Ditto, large size, six guineas. -Williato Lea.

28jejy4 beautifal walnut case, French-polished, large size. Only four guineas; soid by other houses at guineas. -William Lea, The Liver. 26fejy4 walnut turned pillars in front. Only £6 UM seven stops, all handsome veneered William Lea, The Liver, Church-street.

23jejy4 HARMONIUM. contract to stops, the as Liverpool supplied by and William other Lea School by Boards. Only 12 Lea. 28jej94 stops, 24 rows vibrators, tiro knee in handsome walnut case. £12 59.

William Lea. The Liver. 28 jody4 Christophe and Etienne, 14 stops: a feet substitute for the organ. Price £18. -William The Liver, 50 and 52, Church -street.

28jejg4 twO manuals, percussion action, 17 beautiful stops, walnut case, only William Lea. the Liver. 23Jejy4 THE LIVER MUSIC WARFHOUSE is the largest in the World, and contains the finest collection of first-class In: struments ever seen under one roof. No monopolies or sole agencies; but Pianos, Organs, by every known maker, plainly marked at the lowest possible price. -William Les, Liver, 50 and 52, Chorch-street.

28jejy4 CORDIAL INVITATION in extended to everybody to view the largest music warehouse and the finest stock of high-class instruments ever seen. SPECIAL NOTICE -60-Guinea American ORGANS. 88 sold by Agenta, now on sale at the "Liver" for 25 Guineas each. The public are requested to call early and inspect these Instruments. Orders executed in rotation.

-William Lea, 50 and 52, Church-street. WILLIAM LEA, So' THE AND 52, LIVER" CHURCH-STREET, MUSIC A WARRHOUSE. or LIVERPOOL. on 28je1y4 NINGER SEWING MACHINE. taken in exchange for an Ostrich." Hand Machine, -Edwin Kite 89.

Renshaw-street. 27 jefy3 LOVE changed for MACHINE, 208. Singer's Machine, 158. Ostriches." -Edwin Kite and 89, Renshaw-street. 27jejy3 FATA BLISHPD 1855.

FURNISH, THE HIRE SYSTEM By Easy Payments. FURNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM At Moderate Prices FURNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM. Strict Secrecy observed. PARE G1 8t er. ght be be pt It chi cha din min er (ght mue int 33 nde 8.

EN BERGER LIVERPOO1 FURNITURE MART, 37, ST. ANNE-STREET. 27 jefy3 DIANO. -Very handsome Walnut Cottaze PIANO with iron framework, patent repeater action, powerfnl sustained tone, by Ungstanit: very Little used. Cost :230: to an immediate purchase Great Newtonstreet.

27 iy 10 DROWN Oak Cabinet Ostrich SEWING MACHINE. fitted with the new Pendulum Treadle and hand appitmachine in the kingdom supported attal opinion. Combines chair, table, stand, extension and beautiful cabinet. Ten guineas discount for -Filwin Kite and 89, Penshaw-street. 2710593 GREAT BARGAINS (Close of the Hiring Season.) SPLENDID STOCK OF PIANOFORTES Returned from Hire, most cases Equal to New, all Highly Finished and bons Instruments.

Mark the net cash 1. Rosewood Cottage, good for 10 10 0 Seven-octave, 3-unison, Walant Cottare, checic action, a very fine instrument 18 18 0. Seren-octave, 3-unison. Walunt Cottage, very elegant 23 2 0 Seven-octave Iron-framed Cottag-, a splendid instrument 23 0 0 Seven-octave Tron-framed. Cottage, black and gold, very elegant 25 0 0 Seven-octave Iron-framed Cottage, walnut, larger size 25 0 0 Seven-octave Iron-framed Cottage, black and gold, larger size 28 0 0 and a quarter-octave Tron-framed Cottage, full trichord, walnut, fine instrument 30 0 0 and a quarter-octave Iron framed Cottage, black and gol1, beautiful design 33 0 0 and a quarter-octave Tron-tranted Cottage, full trichord, walnut, grand 37 10 0 and a quarter-octave Cottage, full trichord, black and gold, not to be equalled 40 10 0 Splendid, Walnut Oblique Grand, rare bargain (original price £68 5s) 35 0 0 Splendid Walnut Oblique Grand, Pars" bargain Collard (original Cottage, price £71 elegant 8) walnut case (rare 45 0 Trichori Grand, by Broadwood, walnut case (original price £162 158) 73 10 0 PRICE FOR PRICE.

Instruments will be found upon inspection worth the raiue of the love class inferior instruments so mitch and advertised of late. The public are respectfully invited to look in and judge for themselves, whether they purchase or not. WM. H. G.

H. DREAPER fully convinced they will tind nothing of the price and combined to be met with elsewhere. 96, BOLD-STREET, JUNE, 1882. 24 je30 Sale, A double white CAMELLIA, eight feet high and eight feet in diameter, Perfectly healthy and vigorous, Well furnished the tub. Price 27; worth £12.

great bargain. -George Davies, Golf Club, Hall-road, Blundelisands. 27 jejy3 GROCERS. PROVISION DEALERS. DRAPERS, TOBACCONISTS, and Others.

-Every FIXTURE and also Office Pixtures and Furniture, be 24, seen at J. J. Byrne's Fixture Supply Stores, the City Whitechapel, near Liverpool. 18apjy 10 be Sold, large bandsome COUNTER, 42 feet, solid mahogany top, other shop fixtures to match. Seta countor scales and tea canisters.

All the above pearly Considerable sucrifice to an immediate purchaser 8, Mercury-office. Sale, POST OBIT BONDS bearing interest at 5 per cent. ou reversion to estates producing 270,000 per payable on death of two noblemen (aced 85 and 83) provided reversioner, aged 59, survives. Contingency insur to and W. H.

Quilliam, 10, Whitechapel, Liverpool. FURNISH ON SINGLE THE ROOM HIRE ENTIRE SYSTEM, HOUSE, ON EASY TERMS, Whereby Hirer, upon payment of the amount agreed, the absolute owner at prices charged by other for CASH. GLOBE 16. PEMBROKE-PLACE. FURNISHING COMPANY, LIVERPOOL.

BUILDINGS AND HOUSES POR ALL PURPOSES: Stores, Warehouses, Workshops, Stables, Houses, Farm Buildings, Out offices, Dwelling Houses, Churches, Chapels, Schools, Mission Rooms, Lecture and suit Temperance all climates. Halls. Buildings specially designed for export Price much reduced. Large stooks of and work always in progress, so that orders can be in a few on application to Dixon, Windsor Ironworks, Spekeland-street, Edgehill 28 my au24 TRON Conch- to materials executed Isaao Liverpool..

Liverpool Mercury, etc. from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

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Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.